My wife likes TNG and Lower Decks, I'm still easing her in to DS9 and Voy.
The other day I showed her a picture of Picard wearing a yellow uniform, and she said "he's wearing the wrong uniform. He's command, not engineering." before I could even ask her what was wrong with the Pic.
I immediately yelled "YOU'RE FINALLY A NERD!" And shot a text to the family text group and our friend group to share the good news, everyone had a good chuckle, and she just goes "YOU MADE ME THIS WAY! Not that I'm complaining...."
I have successfully made a convert. And yesterday she actually asked to watch more Voy before she even got home from work.
He also wears blue during the episode where Q makes him not a captain when he prevents his younger self from getting in the bar fight with the Naussicans
I've seen him in front of academics, and teaching a class.
Yeah, when he's not out desecrsting sacred temples and stealing artifacts from indigenous tribes, he's pretty stiff and awkward. It doesn't help that all the college women in his class were all but throwing themselves at him.