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Spamming, by the tankie definition: "Posting something once, but it's something I dislike >:( "
  • no effort no research light work

    Basically 99% of ml/hex posters right there.

    Why bother with effort when spamming emojis, stickers, gifs, and pretending like the world is as simple as "country do bad things, wipe out country, world good again"

    Honestly it feels like listening to a bunch of American 6th graders who have just figured out that the US might not be the knight in shining Armour their history teachers made it out to be.

  • It Sounds Like Destiny 2 Is Finally Leaving Our Solar System Next Year [lore wise]
  • 0 interest in playing a game that removed all the content I payed for, then pay walled the new content.

    Fuck bungie, fuck destiny, fuck their bullshit.

  • A cool guide to vehicles with the most DUIs
  • Truck, truck, rich prick, rich prick....

    0 surprises here. Except maybe the wrx, thinking about it, I would have thought it'd be higher than average but not that much higher.

  • The World Lost Two-Thirds Of Its Wildlife In 50 Years. We Are to Blame
  • We're not living through a mass extinction event.

    We are the mass extinction event.

    Agent Smith wasn't far from the mark...

  • And if not US, it's UK, France or Russia
  • Man, I'd LOVE to move to Canada. It's a massive step to the left for me.

    They wouldn't take me though. I'm not good enough for most countries, apparently.

  • America is in danger of Fascism
  • A lot of racist, fascist shitbags have cooped a great many things over the years.

  • Disc market share for week ending in 2024-06-22: The Kaijus still reign supreme in their second week.
  • Looks like this for me on mobile:

    I had to pinch zoom out, but I think it looks good.

  • Alcohol is my way to turn myself on and off again
  • I have a friend who works for a local, but widespread bank, and got to head up their digital security and IT stuff. Not sure what all it encompasses, but he quickly found out that it was a lot, and the previous guy quit because he had had enough bullshit.

    Long story shorter, after a particularly bad week, he decided to just.... Stop doing his job.

    Kept all their legal stuff and sensitive info under lock and key, but the smaller stuff, he just let it go. Went on vacation, turned everything off, didn't do everything for a temporary replacement (which isn't even his job, it's hr's) and spent a week playing video games and spending time with his wife and baby.

    Several employees just in his building basically ended up doing nothing by the end of the first day because they had locked themselves out of the system.

    By day 3 there were several lines that couldn't be used by the tellers in every branch, older employees were bricking their systems so fast, construction workers started taking notes.

    By the end of the week they had people showing up at his door to try and contact him since nobody could get ahold of him. Some legit thought he was dead.

    His first words when he got into the office on Monday, we're "THAT is why you pay me."

    And after that, he was given 3 people to help out (he had been asking for 4) and they had a company come in and redo a lot of the computer systems that year.

    Still works for the bank, still has a team although I think they're bigger now since they've opened a few more branches, and still tells that story at every gathering after his one single beer gets him tipsy.

    Is it just me, or do programmers only come in "lightweight" and "Rivals Þor in trying to drink the oceans dry" varieties?

  • In 1978, 20th Century Fox sued Universal claiming that 'Battlestar Galactica' infringed on 'Star Wars'. Universal countersued, alleging that 'Star Wars' stole from their 1972 film, 'Silent Running'
  • "The Epic of Gilgamesh and Enkidu" doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well.

    Without Enkidu, Gilgamesh would not be remembered well.

  • In 1978, 20th Century Fox sued Universal claiming that 'Battlestar Galactica' infringed on 'Star Wars'. Universal countersued, alleging that 'Star Wars' stole from their 1972 film, 'Silent Running'
  • They're all ripoff of Dune anyway, which is ultimately a space themed ripoff of the legend/myth/folklore tale of King Arthur, which ultimately through various retellings and copies of copies of other stories takes you back to the epic of Gilgamesh.

    So basically all modern stories are just a 5000 year old game of telephone for Gilgamesh.

    So uhhh..... Checkmate atheists?

  • Oh sweet, my old Empire Earth box!
  • I just bought an external cd/dvd drive so I can convert my DVD library into a digital one for convenience and to preserve the dvds longer.

    I'm having some issues with the speed of conversion, but my biggest problem is quickly becoming storage space.

    Also, I dug up some of my old games like Caesar III and installed a no-CD "patch".

    Good times.

    There's an adapter or replacement for everything

  • Metal Gear Solid 3 remake will credit Hideo Kojima and the original developers since "they're a part of these games too,"
  • Imagine if the x-men movies all had the same director, all from basically the same team... But the director made Hugh Jackman audition for the part of wolverine every single movie, constantly tried to replace him, constantly threatened to replace other actors, and ultimately Hugh Jackman finds out the latest chapter in Logan's story is coming out soon, and nobody even bothered to call him about it.

    Now replace Hugh Jackman with David Hayter, the director with Kojima, and the other recurring actors with other voice actors from the series.

    I used to be obsessed with all things metal gear, and after tons and tons of interviews, tweets, things said in panels, and at conventions... Kojima is a fantastic creative, tells some great stories, and there isn't a single negative thing I can think to say about that aspect of him... But on the personal side... Ehhh...

  • Metal Gear Solid 3 remake will credit Hideo Kojima and the original developers since "they're a part of these games too,"
  • Fuck Konami, but also mildly fuck Kojima.

    I will never forgive him for his shitty treatment of David Hayter and other voice actors.

  • Which of the four Avatar nations would you rather live in?
  • Honestly, this right here is the main reason I don't believe any real-world bending would end any way other than Earth Kingdom dominance. Peaceful dominance, hopefully.

    You can't wipe out their infrastructure as long as someone is alive who knows how it's done.

    Oh, fire nation bulldozed your house because they felt like it? Well boom. Stomp stomp punch. New identical house made of stone.

    Bridge collapsed to cause chaos? Stomp stomp punch, it's back.

    Don't feel safe living out in the open where fire nation scouts could murderhobo you harder than my last D&D group? Stomp stomp punch, now you have a vast mansion underground in which you can simply.... Not go above ground until you need to.

    Of course, underground living isn't simple as "hole in ground, hide all day" but still... There is 0 reason the EK shouldn't go full Vietnam War tactics.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Demo ranch. Started making comments about the George Floyd protests and I was out

    AvE started praising the trucker convoys

    Shadiversity got super homo/transphobic and also is just an arrogant douche since his book.

  • a cool guide for police encounters
  • When I was in highschool I was home alone at an apartment complex, already riddled with anxiety, and would never answer the door.

    Cops started banging on the door one day and it sounded like they switched to kicking at one point. Bellowing about how they'll arrest anyone inside unless we open up.

    They went around back and started banging on the glass sliding door when it didn't slide open, which would of course have been claimed to be open the whole time I'm sure.

    The management office across the street had left minutes beforehand, and one yelled about getting the keys, went over to bang on that door too.

    After about half an hour of me frantically trying to get a response from my sister or parents, the former ignoring me because higshcool siblings, the latter were on a date night, they got really quiet and all hurried away. I assume someone finally realized they were in the wrong place. Were it any other situation I would have had things handled, but I was not prepared for cops.

    Management got pissy about the boot scuffs all over the white door, and refused to believe it was cops since "police don't make mistakes" (whitest boomer Karen you've never seen said this) and demanded we pay for the damage. My parents stuck by my story. Ultimately management just repainted everyone's doors and trim a month later so it didn't matter.

    ACAB/ALLAB Combo right there.

  • Good news for summer solstice as solar makes 20% of global electricity
  • Solar prices are still dropping, but not fast enough for me to actually afford it.

    I'd love to have a combo wind/solar since I'm in a pretty good spot for it.

    Battery storage is also dropping in price. I'm excited to see what sodium batteries will be capable of in a few years.

  • Colorado oil and gas wells can’t fund their own cleanup. Taxpayers may foot the bill | A Carbon Tracker report shows the cost to safely shut down low-producing wells is $3bn more than what they earn

    If you're wondering if I mean metaphorically or literally, first one, then the other but in a climate-friendly way.

  • Also applies to projects and hobbies
  • Normal people: "this is SO me!" last done 2years ago

    Neurodivergents: every month

    COMPLETELY unrelated, I have about $800 worth of RC equipment to make my own planes and cars, and haven't touched it in over a year.

    I want to break it out and make use of it to get my money's worth, but apparently I don't want to want to...

    My 3 year old calligraphy set has only been used twice, and not even for the purpose they were purchased.

  • Memes of the Star Wars Prequels Transporter Room 3
    The EMH is channeling a power from a galaxy far, far away.
    What is your all-time favorite episode of star trek?

    It can be from any series, and if you want to pick a favorite from each show go ahead.

    Picture very much related.

    The Federation finally realized the EMH could use some upgrades!

    In order to heal someone, first you gotta have something to heal. Loads rifle with medical intent

    Starfleet sure has some weird practices when it comes to "privacy"

    Then again, with how much can be done casually by literally anyone who is on the ship, not just starfleet personnel, what even is privacy anymore in 2380?

    What is this, a crossover episode?

    I would actually love this.

    Maybe not the upper pylons getting kawhooshed, but a parallel world episode or like.... Literally even a holodeck gone mad episode.

    Obrien could take out some of his frustration as Cowen of the Genii.

    He shows such mercy

    Really, what do they expect? Mental Healthcare is more or less nonexistent everywhere he goes.

    Transporter_Room_3 Transporter Room 3

    Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

    I'm someone's favorite.

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