Maybe just my US bias but it certainly feels like there should be >1% pet attributed biomass. If humans are 30+% then that's only 1 pet per 10 people assuming the average pet(s) weigh 1/3rd the weight of a human. Feel free to correct my arbitrary numbers though.
Good enough absolutely can be the enemy of perfect. For example if you care about the environment getting rid of cars is one of the most important things that can be done. Electric cars just make it harder for cars to be eliminated.
Well, that's why I said "consider going vegan". If 1 day is your best, then so be it. I can't force anyone to do anything, but ideally everyone would do his best. But still, you gotta mention the best outcome or people who could still do better become complacent - the same way some vegan have become complacent because "being vegan is enough" despite being otherwise terrible for the environment.