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Planting crab apple trees in abandon lots?

ppl would eat crab apples from trees. In retrospect, a lot of urban soil is excessively high in lead. But it's maybe possible to just plant some apple trees and they'll eventually provide some food security.

Also would make those empty lots into more park like structures

  • This always sounds great but it's been a disaster everywhere it's been tried.

    The problem becomes rotten fruit. Ripe fruit falls off the tree unpicked, particularly when most of it becomes ripe at the same time and it's more than the neighborhood can eat. Then it ferments and rots and brings bugs and disease.

    Not to mention crab apples suck to eat.

  • Most of the abandoned plots are sadly not suitable for this, but there have been certainly attempts to do things like this and there is a whole bunch of ideas related to "seed-bombs" that go into a similar direction.