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Infiltrate the Vote: An Among Us Inspired Political System

Round 0: each registered politician cast their 1 proposed policy into a hat anonymously. 20% of the voting population are designated "imposters". The other 80% are "crew mates".

Round 1: crew votes for their least favorite policy. The one with the most votes is cast out. However if the majority of the imposters correctly vote for this same policy it wins and pass into motion and the other discussed policies are discarded.



The least popular item has a pretty good chance of winning election 1. Which could could heavily favor minorities. But when people start strategically voting, who knows.

If anyone wants to like to this in like a Minecraft, or matrix server, holla, I want to try it too.

TheAnonymouseJoker s crusade continues. The current Ukrainian sympathizers he's fighting are, grapheneOS, CalyxOS, c/privacy, admins and a few others certainly
  • The text is discussing negative experiences with a developer of GrapheneOS, who has been accused of lying and unethical behavior. There are also mentions of conflicts with other developers and instances of hijacking chat rooms.

  • FediLore + Fedidrama thursday_j
    TheAnonymouseJoker s crusade continues. The current Ukrainian sympathizers he's fighting are, grapheneOS, CalyxOS, c/privacy, admins and a few others certainly

    GrapheneOS is something you want to stay away from. Recently they screamed hoax about a CP spammer in their chats from CalyxOS community, and how he got a swatting attempt from them. He has presented no evidence of it, it has been a week now.

    This developer has issues and has lied a dozen of times at this point about various things in the past years.

    I am a mod of c/privacy at main Lemmy instance, and his group chat mods did this against me last year, similarly threatening with Canadian police stuff. Also forgot to mention how they hijacked the Lemmy c/privacy Matrix room, banned me off and repurposed it for instance. Admins did not help me against that Yayannick traitor and those GrapheneOS minions.

    Also, he and his acolytes have called Bromite and FlorisBoard developers very colourful epithets.

    The Bromite drama stems from a CalyxOS developer submitting a PR for Bromite. Since Daniel hates CalyxOS with a passion, it gets pretty messy. Pop some popcorn, then see these links:

    The Florisboard drama was caused by the Florisboard developer backing out of their partnership due to Daniel’s weird behavior when it came to Bromite:

    Does anyone have a gpt prompt that makes gpt opinionated? Like giving me 1 answer and not telling me both sides. Like AI from every work of fiction

    cross-posted from:

    > Interstellar TARS and CASE usually just zips it and say 1 option and a percentage chance at best. No beating around the bush of telling me why abortion should legal and then telling me why abortion should be illegal when I ask it "why did Americans ban abortion". > > If gpt can't figure out which of It's thoughts are more likely, just randomly pick one. > >

    How does human (labour) trafficking differ than regular old migrant labor?

    Best I can come up with is that if the conditions are too bad then it's human trafficking.

    In both case they "consent" to do labor, however human traffickees are often tricked into a more casino-like raw deal.

    In both cases, it's not uncommon to not be unable to quit the job.

    Source: I know a lot of migrant labourers

    Is it still not possible to make pseudo anonymous signal app groups? Like without every bloke having my phone number

    cross-posted from:

    > Some local drug dealers and addicts use signal and I def don't want them having my phone number.

    Serious outage at
  • Was roughly a 24hr outage

  • FediLore + Fedidrama thursday_j
    Serious outage at

    cross-posted from:

    > Things finally went boom in a big way, we're attempting to do an emergency recovery of the service to a new location. > > Sorry for the extended outage, the service should be back up within 6 hours. (hopefully)

    Preppers/survival sublemmy Preppers/survival -

    Also about survival, urban survival, grey man, Preparedness, Self-sufficient, Resilient, Adaptable, Low profile A place to share information on emergency preparedness as it relates to disasters both natural and man-made. Would you survive in the event of economic, political and social collapse? What...

    Planting crab apple trees in abandon lots?

    cross-posted from:

    > ppl would eat crab apples from trees. In retrospect, a lot of urban soil is excessively high in lead. But it's maybe possible to just plant some apple trees and they'll eventually provide some food security. > > Also would make those empty lots into more park like structures

    Planting crab apple trees in abandon lots?

    ppl would eat crab apples from trees. In retrospect, a lot of urban soil is excessively high in lead. But it's maybe possible to just plant some apple trees and they'll eventually provide some food security.

    Also would make those empty lots into more park like structures

    FediLore + Fedidrama thursday_j
    Hindu supremist gaurav banned from geopol
    Website listing all Empty Homes for squatting and other activism

    cross-posted from:

    > I am about to create a Website Listing all empty homes, > In Australia 11% of homes are empty , a four bedroom brick veneer opposite where I live in Queensland, has been empty for 16 years the owner lives in Victoria the lawn gets mowed every two months, this would be a good place to squat, it will not be easy as most of our politicians collect rent. and they will pass legislation to ban listing empty homes. the Website should make the owners of the properties either sell or rent out , with so many houses on the market prices would drop . It would be great to get thousands of addresses, this should happen all over the World , WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS,

    Website listing all Empty Homes for squatting and other activism

    I am about to create a Website Listing all empty homes, In Australia 11% of homes are empty , a four bedroom brick veneer opposite where I live in Queensland, has been empty for 16 years the owner lives in Victoria the lawn gets mowed every two months, this would be a good place to squat, it will not be easy as most of our politicians collect rent. and they will pass legislation to ban listing empty homes. the Website should make the owners of the properties either sell or rent out , with so many houses on the market prices would drop . It would be great to get thousands of addresses, this should happen all over the World , WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS,

    is there a way to full screen element desktop threads? It's on only the right 3rd of my screen

    cross-posted from:

    > Boomer bod cant read this

    Bug reports on any software
  • I think a better click baity title would be like "FOSS bug reporting!"

  • Why I Miss Forums, and Despise Discord/Matrix/Element
  • Especially when it's open source projects bc they should use element!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I just block all non and lemmygrad users. They're all maga supporters

  • responds after user "r000t" creates a fediverse search engine
  • TLDR: I’m limiting (followers-only) for now. In the coming weeks, I and several admins plan to escalate this to a full suspension. Consider migrating if you find the suspensions, and our reasons for them, concerning.

    Check for content warnings before following links.

    Edit: See this update from On one hand, it’s good that they finally acted. On the other hand, it’s worrying that multiple reports with evidence, and knowledge about r000t, were ignored until now. They’ll need do better going forward, and not just ignore reports and dismiss evidence until a public outcry.

    r000t (,, has been working on a full-text search engine for Fedi for a while:

    Claims to rotate addresses and avoid announcing its presence while claiming that this is protecting user safety somehow.
    Claims that the hourly VPS providers are the top 3 ones used by Mastodon instances, preventing rangebans.
    Teasing a search engine in November with the intention to “specifically bypass all attempts to block it” while branding this as something good for user safety.
    Makes fun of people concerned about such a scraper by comparing them to a Kiwi Farms victim.

    And now:

    r000t released as:Public, a full-text non-consensual block-evading search engine for Fedi, after threatening mass violence just days earlier. Previous hint. Went on a bender of threats, slurs, threatening animal cruelty, and eventually posting unmarked gore in an attempt to gain mod attention. See the archived profile for r000t @ when federated to (CW: NSFL gore). This all happened shortly after admitting to stealing cryptocurrency.

    All that did was limit r000t’s account with a possibility of un-limiting it soon. A mod admitted to receiving several reports against r000t but dismissed them as “fediblock nonsense” while voicing support for this non-consensual engine.

    If we assume honesty, then what r000t said about concealing the collector in November would still check out judging by this post made during its release. Also note that the engine does not depend on federation. It uses the streaming API of servers you federate with: as long as you federate with at least one server that the collector is fetching from that has the streaming API enabled, your instance’s posts that federate there can be indexed.

    The opt-out mechanism might change; r000t has teased making the opt-out mechanism dependent on federating with

    Unrelated to this fiasco, some more gems I stumbled upon:

    Brags about bypassing authorized fetch.
    Comparing excluding gender non-conforming members of PolyMC to moderating nazis.
    threatening legal action against blocklists.
    bragging about getting away with death threats.

    Given the lack of action taken by, despite reports: I no longer trust its staff to lead a safe community. I’ve set to followers-only for now. In a few weeks, I and several other admins plan to escalate this to suspension. If you’re on, and find this concerning: consider whether this warrants finding a new instance.

    Edit: If any of this makes you want to send death threats to the people involved: please don’t. You’re making this worse for everyone.

  • r/midwestsocial on Reddit

    This also was auto cross posted to the matrix room in the side bar

  • New community: today I watched
  • Do you manually have to type out that link or is there a faster way to do it on mobile web browser?

  • Looks like is no more
  • Comments about it;

    The continuous implementation of a very controversial ideology, fascist ideology some would say, in the lemmy software is why I’ve given up on lemmy. Maybe things will change down the line.

    That’s why I’m advocating different software where this isn’t a concern. Also, I thought this instance already was banned by the biggest instances, including in an attempt to isolate the instance and make it less attractive to new users?

    With the wonder of the fediverse, it doesn’t really matter where we are as long as we agree on where to meet.

    I’m not on lemmy anymore, yet we chat. If you go to a lotide instance we can still communicate through this group.

    In my personal opinion, Lemmy is visually smoother than lotide. I like that. Maybe others prefer the rudimentary look of lotide instances.

    Beyond Lemmy and Friendica being group compatible, I think Pleroma (twitter style) and even PeerTube (youtube style) would allow us to interact.

  • Lemmy Community-Browser
  • A random sort function would be cool too - for the explorers

  • Wolfballs successfully cancelled and announces it will be discontinued
  • plugging a website with literally nazi in the url

    changed the names as to not give free advertising to bad guy

  • thursday_j thursday_j

    Put your wicked body and evil soul into it!

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