Family was in town and we taught them Cat in the Box and Terraforming Mars. Both were a big hit with an edge to Cat because of the decreased complexity. Haven't played much of TM at 4, usually at 2, and the strategy changes quite a bit!
Big fan of Terraforming Mars. Once you've got an experienced group, I'd try switching over to drafting cards instead of the random draw. It slows the game down a little, but it is an improvement.
we had a quick family camping trip. so some small games in the downtime.
Survive!: Escape from Atlantis, is always a blast. I actually won, since the two older kids were so intent on killing each other's people rather than hunting down dad's.
Magical Athlete - my copy is worn and well loved, but it's never leaving. We had a race with the druid (moves whenever someone uses a special ability) and the Ranger (move 4 when rolls a 1 or almost always at least a 4). The entire race the ranger never used his ability.