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Slashdot product page of an office suite named "AndrOpen Office". The description reads: "AndrOpen Office, the world's first Android porting of OpenOffice is a powerful office suite that supports OpenDocument format. OpenOffice allows you to view, edit, insert, and export office documents. AndrOpen Office is an office suite that includes five components: Calc (spreadsheet/worksheet), Impress (presentation graphics), Calc (word processor), Calc [spreadsheet/worksheet], Calc (spreadsheet/worksheet], Calc (spreadsheet/worksheet], Calc (spreadsheet/worksheet], Calc (spreadsheet/worksheet], Calc (spreadsheet/worksheet], Calc (spreadsheet/worksheet], Calc (equation editor), Calc (equation editor), Calc) and Calc (equation editors), Draw (drawing), Calc), Calc (equation editor), Calc), Calc (equation processing), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc), Calc, Spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet), Calc (equation editor), and draw (equation editor), Calc (spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet /spreadsheet a (spreadsheet/spreadsheet/spreadsheet &spreadsheet/spreadsheet/spreadsheetspreadsheet & to create; and & & &spreadsheet -readsheet/spreadsheet idaspreadsheet/spreadsheet/spreadsheet –spreadsheet/work); Calc;spreadsheet /worksheet based on the spreadsheet if you can view, Calc;'spreadsheet tpreadsheet o (spreadsheet wreadsheet... AndrOpen Office is a forked version of the Apache OpenOffice project. AndrOpen Office does not have any affiliation with the Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice projects."