If you're talking specifically about the Jewish deity, I generally use "Yahweh". As that is the name ascribed to him in Jewish mythology. If you're speaking of a more general deity, I tend to use "RNG". This being the acronym for the "Random Number God".
It's not abstract at all, but my favorite is the Living God. It's an old one (Elohim khayyim), but I strongly empathize with the sentiment: if there is a God, God must be alive. She must be able to do things--God must have volition. He isn't just a product of natural order (e.g., the Sun). He might be a prick sometimes, but His actions are better than chance. If your god is a coin toss, your god may as well be a coin toss. Whichever God demonstrates Her existence is the real One. Everything else is make-believe at best, a long con at worst.
I mean, I do technically feel all of these names implied when talking about God, but none of them I "call" God. I guess "supreme being" would do it, I use that often even in church. I'm surprised your list doesn't have the likes of "grand unified theory", "the great white hole", "the sun", "sol invictus", "the man behind the pixels", "time incarnate", or "Morgan Freeman".
al-Aḥad ("The One") is nice. It's one of the 99 names of God given in the Qur-an. Coincidently, it's close to my younger cat's nickname: "One" (short for "Little One").