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Please tell me it's not just me
  • It’s definitely not just you.

  • Apple
  • Virtually any company big enough to make a worthwhile phone is going to do terrible things. Think a given company is an exception? They won’t be once they get larger.

    That being said, the fact that “everybody does it” doesn’t make it okay. The “blue vs green bubble” shit is nonsense that’s totally unnecessary.

    Sent from my iPad

  • How do people look at American society and think "this is something to aspire to be fully involved in"?
  • It’s extremely difficult to have ethics while being involved in a capitalist system which is inherently unethical. Genuinely giving a damn and putting people ahead of profits is seen as a liability.

    I’m sorry I don’t have any advice to give.

  • Jeans d'Arc
  • Burning jeans are very gratifying to see

  • Fox News guest decrying “migrant crime” previously arrested after getting violent over a grilled cheese sandwich he deemed too cheesy
  • Was it imported cheese? Foreign cheese? If so, he had every reason to be irate. Real GQP patriots eat American cheese, and only American cheese! 🇺🇸 🦅

  • Climate deniers don't deny climate change any more | Simon Clark
  • I’m glad he took a moment to specify the difference between pessimism and doomism.

    I readily admit that I’m a quiet pessimist… but I also hope I’m wrong, and I still think we should do everything possible to combat climate change.

  • ...
  • Whatever it would take to be able to upvote posts/comments without being redirected to an “error” page (I’m on kbin, so if you’re not and this comment doesn’t make sense to you, that’s probably why).

  • PROPOSAL: Make a rule banning jeans-related posts
  • That would depend entirely on people actually posting to the right community and actually following rules. 100% of the time. Won’t happen!

    This will go away on its own, and will be replaced by something else just as silly (like beans did, and a dozen other things I can’t even remember, because nobody posts them anymore).

  • Israeli soldiers chow on McDonald's while carrying out genocide
  • Pretty sure any dairy product and any meat is a non-Kosher combination. I’m not an expert, though.

  • Sovcit thinks because he submitted his crazy forms his child support disappeared.
  • If there’s a more humane but equally effective solution, I prefer that! I feel sorry for everyone here, but especially the child(ren), who didn’t do anything wrong. My harsh response is the result of frustration with the current system.

  • Israeli soldiers chow on McDonald's while carrying out genocide
  • Well, that makes it a lot easier. Thanks!

  • Sovcit thinks because he submitted his crazy forms his child support disappeared.
  • It would be much, much easier to laugh at these idiots if they weren’t actually hurting their child(ren) and mother. All this makes me do is wonder why there aren’t much swifter repercussions for scumbags who dodge child support payments.

    TEN MONTHS? And they’re sending yet another warning letter? Are you kidding me?

    Put this shithead in prison. Let him out on work release every day so he can do his full-time shift at Waffle House. Then back to prison. That will be his life until the last kid turns eighteen AND any remaining debt is paid off.

  • Israeli soldiers chow on McDonald's while carrying out genocide
  • Yeah, but to eat Kosher you can’t serve meat and cheese together. If you go to a Kosher deli in New York, for example, if you want cheese on your sandwich they’ll serve you the cheese on a separate plate. You have to put the cheese on yourself.

    So, what’s on the burgers isn’t considered “cheese”, or it IS cheese, but served on the side, or McDonald’s just said “fuck it” and serves cheeseburgers that aren’t Kosher. My guess is #1. It isn’t technically “cheese”, but some sort of “processed cheese food” crap. They already do that with their milkshakes, which don’t actually contain any milk.

  • Israeli soldiers chow on McDonald's while carrying out genocide
  • They probably get away with it because it isn’t really “cheese” as most people define it.

    When I started typing, I thought that was a joke, but now I’m genuinely curious.

  • Israeli soldiers chow on McDonald's while carrying out genocide
  • McDonald’s is gross. This is probably the most severe consequence that the IDF will ever pay.

  • “No, it’s just fireworks!” Chicago cop opens fire on child with fireworks after ShotSpotter gunshot alert
  • I had the idea (source: fictional TV) that ALL cops had to be trained at a police academy before becoming cops. That’s not the case?

  • Scientists Are Freaking Out About Ocean Temperatures: “It’s like an omen of the future.”
  • Meanwhile, some world leaders are absolutely perplexed as to why their citizens aren’t choosing to have children.

  • Apple cancels Apple Car project after more than a decade
  • My first guess is that it would have been overpriced and deliberately incompatible with existing chargers. No loss.

  • magnetosphere magnetosphere
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