I don't know... if we assume 8.8oz total for matter and antimatter together. All of that mass will be annihilated and converted into energy. I calculate that would yield 22,421,767,037 MJ, let's say 22,000 TJ. According to wikipedia, Little Boy had a 63 TJ yield, so this grenade is around 350 times that.
If it was 8.8 ounces of antimatter, it would combine with 8.8 ounces of normal matter to convert a total of 17.6 ounces of mass into energy. That would result in like 700 Hiroshima's total yield.
It would be funny to have an item in a game like this that the player thinks is a regular grenade but when using it they realize it wipes out the planet.
Behold my new political ideology: mutually-assured-destructionism (or MADness)
Every person gets one of these grenades with a deadman switch and society is magically perfect because everyone could level a country at any time they like, so no one misbehaves.