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God's Teeth a teensy bit closer to release Pre-order Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game on BackerKit

Lovecraftian cosmic terror meets the War on Terror. The award-winning RPG setting comes thundering back in a new Cthulhu Mythos game.

Pre-order Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game on BackerKit

There is now artwork and a pre-order link up on backerit. Additionally Rachel Ivey posted about it in the Facebook group. Explicitly stating "Please don't ask when it will be released to the public."

That said, Caleb, the author, has been play testing it on his Patreon for months now so between those two signs, if I were divining tea leaves I'd say we're getting close.

And if you don't know about this scenario, do yourself a favor and go poking around for it. The original Actual Play was one of my all-time favorites.