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What KDE or QT apps do you love that aren't well known?

My personal favorite is Strawberry Music Player. Especially if it's compiled using QT5 (for KDE 5).

  • I use Strawberry too and in general it is great. Sadly it still lacks some features I need, so I still need foobar2000 with wine on the side (for library management, stuff like viewing and editing all custom tags, renaming files according to tags instead of copying them, ...)

  • Okteta. A hex editor is always useful.

  • KolourPaint is my pick. I love that there's a paint equivalent for quick jokes while screen sharing or trash drawings

  • Kate and Okular count as "aren't well known"? Because I love them.

    Also I love the Global menu for Plasma.

  • Firealpaca is how I discovered kde and I don't see it mentioned too often, so I will take my chances and say that. However it's the only kde program I know of that isn't FOSS. But I typically prefer it's simplicity over the bells and whistles of gimp and sometimes krita.

  • Qmmp and Kpat.