Reminder: The Bill of Rights applies to all persons living or residing in the United States. Whether or not you're a citizen is irrelevant. Green card, visa, no visa, etc doesn't matter.
Everyone gets freedom of speech in the US. Everyone.
The Trump administration is operating on a "it's not legal/constitutionally protected until a judge says it is" and if they punish you before the judge says you don't deserve punishment, oh well!
So in this case, because we don't have any case law saying that deportation is an infringement of the 1st amendment, Trump gets to say it isn't until a judge says otherwise. At which point maybe Trump will obey the court, or (probably) not.
It's bullshit and backwards, but that's what we're up against.
and if they punish you before the judge says you don't deserve punishment, oh well!
the horrifying thing is on multiple occasions, they've (we've? it's our government) attempted to use this logic to execute people. Some of which we know for sure are innocent.
They don't give a rat's ass about freedom of speech. They never did. And the 2nd amendment for them was about being brownshirts with their own personal firearms.
True, with a "but". The secretary of state has the near unquestioned right to declare that a permanent resident alien represents a threat to the nation.
The thing I don't get is that a number of years ago, Trump made fun of Rubio in public about how much he sweats. He was splashing water from his bottle like, "It's Rubio.."
And now the spineless Marco Rubio is licking the taint of Trump as Secretary of State.
”Sheldon Adelson is looking to give big dollars to Rubio because he feels he can mold him into his perfect little puppet. I agree!” Trump tweeted. - 2015
"The Israeli-American billionaire and casino owner has become a kingmaker in conservative American politics, following in the footsteps of her late husband, Sheldon Adelson, who died in 2021.
Her $100m donation to President-elect Donald Trump's campaign was a watershed moment. With Trump's victory, many eyes are on Miriam and her possible influence on his future policy decisions, most notably on Israel." -2025
It makes sense once you recognize that none of these guys actually believe or feel anything. They're all running a calculated sociopathic algorithm to maximize their own power.
The only reason any of them were anti-Trump at any point in the past was because they didn't believe it would help their political career. Now they're they're all anti-reality/pro-fascism for the same reason.
Just like late-stage capitalism, we've set up a system that encourages this behavior. If you compare an honest politician vs one willing to say or do whatever is needed to secure power, the latter will always come out on top. Which is where we find ourselves.
If we somehow develop a forcing function to disincentivize this behavior, all of them will flip instantly, saying, "I had to. I didn't agree with anything Trump was doing. I was only doing it because if I didn't, someone worse would take my spot. Votes pleeeeaase 🫴"