I like to think that that's actually her, trying to scam us out of money, and I feel a kind of vicarious pride for her as a woman who doesn't even have to touch a real dick to get paid, while the rest of us chumps are over here with our shitty jobs. Obviously the reality of the situation isn't great, but in my head she's a Robin Hood kind of folk hero.
I got a bunch of messages. I saw my inbox, dismissed the spam and then I saw this meme. Actually lol'd. Thank you.
edit: although I'm a bit concerned... What's going on here? Anyone actually check out those links..? Obviously sketchy. Malware? Some kind of long con scam? Does this person know their image is being used?
I got my message right after I filtered out the instance that follows "her" if you're desperate to get the dm. Dunno if it was related, but it was really weird timing.
Sorry to be the one who breaks this to you but when she starts texting other people, well, she has a will of her own can, theoretically, can leave you when ever she wants