There is a certain type of person that gets extra upset when dogs are harmed. Make no mistake, I'm still very pro-feeding dogs. This is a fucked up event, yet events like these always bring a special type of "animal lover" outrage. If dog food budget is the Elon thing making you angriest today, then your priorities are out of whack.
Especially so if you eat cows, chickens and pigs, they're all animals. Just so tired of the selective outrage.
Musk: The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy. The empathy exploit. They're exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response. So, I think, you know, empathy is good, but you need to think it through and not just be programmed like a robot.
Not surprising sadly. This is the same man that labeled people relying on the government for a safety net to fucking live parasites.
I am one of those people that is part of the parasite class. I look forward to being able to get teamed up with a doggo in the camp. That actually kinda makes me feel a little better if that would happen actually.
When I import things to the US through work, they always get stopped by Explosive Detection Dogs, at a cost of around 300 quid per pallet. I wonder if that will stop or drastically reduce. Certainly doesn't seem like a good idea if you want to stop things coming in that shouldn't be.
Every time I read something about the USA in the last few weeks I think "Wow that's shitty. How can it get worse?"
In short order, the answer to my question is served up. I find it worse when the victims cannot speak or stand up for themselves. Though horrible things are happening to a wide range of victims at least they can protest, take action etc. The dogs cannot. I only hope that the handlers make sure the welfare of these animals is taken care of despite the order. They do not deserve to be pawns in the MAGA game, but then no one does.
Yes, but is it instant death, like a plane crash, because the FAA got defunded, or a slow excruciating death because your Healthcare was cut? Or by dehydration in some internment camp because you liked a tweet by AOC?
What will actually happen is, the dog handlers are now forced to pay for food and vet visits out of their own paychecks. And Elon can claim to have saved a couple thousand dollars, until the lawsuits start.