Neil Gaiman stories. After learning about his abuses and sexual assaults. He actually touches on those themes in some of his stories (Sandman, American Gods). And even wrote empathetically about the victim’s experiences in these stories; which just sickens me more. Putting those stories in the context of what he’s done has ruined them for me. I never swore to love his stories forever but I did really like them, one upon a time.
Apathy because education cannot offer the instant gratification screens and the online world can give them in seconds.
Even when I offer students the option to see movies or play edu-games similar to Kahoot that they show interest in, they don't really show much interest.
I worked retail all my life. I was so embarrassed. I swore that once I get “a real job” (read: Corporate) I would love it and it would be so much more respected.
Been working Corporate for 20yrs now and I hate it. Soul sucking, dream crushing, energy draining. At least with retail I’d get a little discount. Now all I get is an occasional pizza party 😭😭😭
Big crowded cities. As a young person I loved the idea of big cities with so much stuff going on. More than 20 years later I was cured of it by living in big cities and I yearn for more solitude and small communities.
I feel for cities it's very neighborhood-dependent. I live in a quiet familial neighborhood, it's a completely different experience from being downtown (20 minutes metro). Now when I go downtown I'm actually a bit shocked at how loud everything is.
Yes, I also live like this now. If feels like a village. I don’t have the small community vibe though. It is not easy to make community in a south German city 😆 And there are always some neighbours that don’t like the wild style garden and prefer that you trim the outside bushes every so often. I wish people would mind their own business and help the neighbours, not make their life miserable just because they have different approaches than them.
Same here. Elections were my Superbowl. Now I find myself systematically trying to eliminate all political news. I know too much about politics to be able to avoid panicking every time I see a headline. This last election was just different. I have always been extremely calm and patient about politics and never panicked at the loss that inevitably always comes around. This last one sent my optimistic self into a real and lasting depression I am still struggling to overcome.
I know other people who feel the same way. I have to stay active and keep donating to worthy candidates, but it's been almost a decade of waking up and seeing my fellow citizens acting like complete idiots.
I use to love politics. Cable news and their over analyzing of everything, Trump's first term, and most importantly, the wide-eyed, foaming at the mouth 24/7 "horse race" punditry have all contributed to me souring on the topic
Joanne Rowling. I used to love the Harry Potter books, but the author turned out to be such a hateful bigot. Haven't consumed anything Harry Potter-related after the movies except Coldmirror's outstanding analysis of the first movie (and I'm pretty sure JKR didn't earn a cent from that).
It’s super tragic. She could have been a feminist icon: poor teacher, living off government assistance, writes a beloved series. There was so much good will towards her. Same with that chuckle-fuck Dawkins who thinks his field of science is the only science. Way to shit all over your scientific legacy and become the word-twisting charlatan you once lamented.
I feel the same way! I used to get excited to drive any distance. It made me feel so free. Now I think of having to drive anywhere and feel dread. Bummer.
Star wars. I got into it when the special edition released on vhs. Then when the phantom menace released some years later, I was young enough not to notice how bad it was so I was blown away. I had the pod racer Lego, I had episode 1 racer, the phantom menace videogame, all sorts of stuff.
When the clone wars released, the enchantment came to an end. And it only got worse. The sequels were a disappointment as well.
Andor is good though. Perhaps just because it is different from the garbage I came to expect
The problem (to me) is that just about every Star Wars production since the original trilogy is completely juvenile and ridiculous, all action-comedy romps with no substance.
Rogue One was an exception, and Andor is especially good because it's genuinely grown-up content made for an adult audience, with serious emotions and high stakes and risks.
I remember feeling absolutely cheated and lied to when I watched The Force Awakens in cinema (9 years ago now!) after having first seen the trailer.
The trailer for that movie made it feel genuinely interesting and full of intrigue, but the movie itself was just more puerile nonsense.
Cricket. I used to cry whenever my country loses but now I hate it because it's just their way to make more money. Association and Player get tons of money. Which they don't need. Not just that nowdays feel like that matches are already fix who gonna win. Gambling and Betting become legal just to circulate black money. It's fucking bullshit.
I have a bit of the same with football. Like the game, but the money aspect corrupts everything. FIFA are probably the most corrupted organization in professional sports.