Brother as well? What happened? Every time the HP printers topic comes up, I see recommendations to get a Brother. Begrudgingly, I still use my HP, I can't justify getting rid of a working printer but Brother would have been my first option when the time came to replace it.
People sure like to just toss the word "brick" around. These printers are still functional enough to get another firmware update to fix them. You know what can't? Bricks
Pfft, in my time bricks had a very specific definition with respect to masonry work.
You damn kids with your fake definitions for real words, I swear it's because y'all are rotting your brains away with all these new mediums for acquiring news.
My wife bought one of these pieces of shit before we got together. A few months back I finally got to the point where I had the "honey we need to throw out your printer and get a new one."
"OK - should we give it to my sister or see if any of our friends want this?"
"I'm not sure I dislike any of your friends or family enough to inflict this much frustration on them."
I used to work in a large oil company for a decade. Around 2018, everyone got new HP laptops with touch screen. We're talking 20.000 permanent employees, and more than 40.000 externals (externals did not get a laptop). After a couple of weeks, people started complaining about the fan making a lot of noise.
After HP checked the laptops, it turned out that the fan was not powerful enough. Their solution? Limit the CPU speed. And my company just agreed. Fuck that noise!!!
I already started boicotting them in 2009, when i purchased a computer, which had an S-video. But it didn't work. Went to the store that sold it, they told me to contact HP. I did, and they just told me that it was a error on the entire laptop series, and that I should've known about it before I purchased the laptop.
Clearly those cartridges must've been made by some merry band of maritime robbers. You know, the kind of criminals who'd force you to give them your money, but give you nothing of proportional value in return.
Could be that the problem isn't the firmware per se.