"By executing Brad Sigmon, South Carolina has also executed the possibility of redemption," said one critic. "Our state is declaring that no matter what you do to make up for your wrongdoing, we reserve the right to kill you."
Nowhere does God in the New Testament give man the authority to kill another man.
Why is it always this bullshit? God giving people the authority to kill one another, or not. Not everyone is Christian and laws shouldn't be dictated by religion.
Just fucking say it's wrong. Make that argument because once you bring religion into it, you've already lost. God says whatever the people following him want him to say. Every time.
Because religious people don't think they are inherently good. And the fact that they need something like this to do the bare minimum required to be human, is quite telling.
They've grown up in a culture which literally says we are all wicked and only god can fix it. It not only excuses their own failings, but tells them to accept wickedness in others as a lapse in faith, not a moral failing. And that absence of faith is embracing wickedness. See: fucking everything.
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to recall God giving lots of authority to kill other people—even babies. It’s just you’re not supposed to kill your fellow Jews.
shieeeet if i was on death row, and i had a choice, i;d take the firing squad over lethal injection any day.
in case y'all didn't know lethal injection is a cocktail of 3 different drugs that were never approved by any doctor, the whole "do no harm" bit. typically its a sedative, a paralytic, and a potassium shot to seal the deal. there have been cases where people are alive and but paralyzed for way too long while the potassium is slowly and agonizingly killing then
No one is arguing it's perfect or "painless", but in light of high-profile botched executions where the convict is unintentionally(?) tortured for hours before they died it seems to be the better option.
Multiple people targeting your brain and heart... It will be worse to watch and you might cause psychological damage to anyone watching or taking part... but at least you won't suffer for long.
still id rather get shot, and die of shock and blood-loss in under a minute then be paralyzed and in agony for a half hour. Lethal injection may look more humane, but appearances are deceiving, with a firing squad what you see is what you get, multiple rifle rounds turning your organs into slush.
I think the death penalty should be brutal and violent. If anything, it should be even more violent. Lethal injections are disgusting; the state dresses its murders up in the visage of medicine. They make a murder seem clean and clinical.
I think we should do the exact opposite. Make it as brutal as possible. You want the government to kill someone? Fine. We'll make it a gorefest.
Here's how we should do executions. First, it's not carried out by state employees. It's carried out by the victim's closest relatives. As for method of execution? They're going to do it with their bare hands. The condemned is strapped to a chair and injected with a cocktail of powerful pain killers. The victim's family members are let in. They then have to beat the condemned to death with their bear hands, all while he is screaming and begging for his life. THAT is how executions should be performed. Quit trying to disguise state murder. You want the government to murder someone? Quit the pretense and make it honest. Maybe fewer people would support the death penalty if it consisted of brutally beating people to death instead of a faux-medical treatment.
Yeah this approach has definitely worked in Saudi Arabia, where public beheadings draw a crowd and people sell mementos of the occasion. Their people are famously anti-death penalty now - they even stopped sentencing children to death in 2020 by royal decree, very progressive. Though they haaave been increasing executions significantly over the last five years, even though up to two thirds of their executions are for non-violent crime. Hmm.
Public opinon polls are very rare in SA so let's check in on some opinions from SA redditors..
Man, I’m not convinced that this would change much. Nearly twenty years ago, I’d listened to something about the death penalty, in which the sister of a murder victim was interviewed; she was told that there was incontrovertible evidence that the person on death row for her sister’s murder was in fact the wrong guy. She replied, “I don’t care, someone has to pay for my sister’s death.” Because we have the death penalty in place explicitly for the purpose of exacting revenge rather than serving justice, there will always be someone who relishes the opportunity to carry out the execution, just out of blind rage.
People are downvoting you, seemingly not getting that you're saying the deaths should be visceral not for the sake of spectacle, but so that people see and must confront how violent it really is and are thus hopefully repulsed by the practice... but you are also correct from the standpoint of minimizing the pain experienced by the person condemned to death.
This guy was dead 3 minutes after being shot.
A proper hanging that breaks the neck and does not kill you via strangulation kills you in under a minute, and its a far more simple procedure to calculate a proper drop height for a person than it is to administer lethal injection or electric shock in a way that actually minimizes suffering.
A guillotine is another very rapid and relatively painless way to die.
... Lethal injections are often poorly administered by unqualified idiots, and the cocktails they use often don't render you unconscious... meaning you can be strapped in, physically paralyzed from one part of the cocktail, in excruciating pain for hours, but unable to express the pain.
The electric chair is also a horrifically painful way to die, it still to this day often requires multiple shocks to fully kill someone, over a long duration of time.
If I can pick my execution method, I'm going with the Gallagher method. You know those giant hydraulic hammers they use for driving big foundation poles into the ground? Just stick my head under one of those. It's messy as hell, but it's almost certainly the least painful way to go. You literally cannot feel pain it happens so quickly.
In practice, the whole point is to draw it out, to maximize fear and suffering, it’s not a bug. I’m surprised they actually allowed the firing squad to go forward.