Signal's Meredith Whittaker says AI agents doing tasks on users' behalf pose security and privacy risks and refers to their use as “putting your brain in a jar”.
It implies that that’s a quality you should be judging people on, even if their looks have no bearing on the situation.
That certainly shouldn't be how it is, but there's a lot of evidence to support that it is how it is. Just because we don't like it being that way doesn't mean it doesn't impact people's perceptions.
the phenomenon is called the "halo effect", and the opposite is also the case and called the "horns effect" (ugly people/things getting more negative judgement based on appearance).
there's a LOT of research into these effects (for obvious reasons)...
Hey, you asked. What part of your comment do you feel is being taken way too seriously?
It's easier to (figuratively) say "You guys are just not understanding my comment. It's all of you who are wrong!" than to just take a second and understand why people don't like what you commented earlier.
It is not a problem in many contexts. For instance complementing people in social non-work gatherings. "Wow, you look great in that suit", or "You are even prettier than I remember". Or when talking about someones ability to attract attention.
However in the context of an important message from a person, it derails the conversation and kinda just objectifies a person. As if it is more important than what they are saying or contributing.
It basically boils down to this:
Do you want to be remembered for being good looking or your contributions to this world? How does it feel to be unsure if you got the job, because of looks? Or if people are listening because of your looks?
I am glad you asked, and I already saw someone gave a great explanation, but wanted to pitch in as well 😊
I would agree if i was directly talking to the person i was referring to. I would not brought looks up in that context for all the reasons you listed as its disrespectful.
Am i offtopic, very much. But thats what the downvote button is for. This was meant as lighthearted comment. Not about disregarding her statements.
regardless, thank you for your reply as i def can see it but it feels massive overblown.
Yup, it's overblown. Just wanted to give an explanation, you never know what level of awareness other strangers have online. Wish you the best, and see you around!