Luigi had countless fans metaphorically sucking his dick before it came out that he allegedly did it. I wonder if a similar thing could happen with an oil refinery or something.
Countries are making the act of protest itself criminal. If the risk of penalty is in the same ballpark I can see how some folks will elect for direct action over pleading for public attention that never seems to come.
The goal of both is to start reducing or simply stop large scale actions that are doing damage to the environment. If peaceful protesting is being prevented or simply is just being ignored, then the next step is directly stopping things. If it's vandalism or misdirected damage, that's not really accomplishing the goal and can be used against activists and their message.
The caveat is that most changes either through successful protests or more direct measures will harm others at some point, but I fail to see a way around that when we live in a society where everyone is dependent in many ways on the society continuing its destructive path. The longer we wait to change, the worse it will be for more people, and at some point it won't be protesters that cause the change, but the environment or some other factors like demand exceeding supply that cause huge suffering.
Vandalize anything that doesn't belong to an individual or small business. I hit abandoned buildings and street signs (without covering the lettering) most but everything is fair game at this point. Especially ads. Stickers, paint, wheat paste or whatever. To be silent is to be complicit. I want us all to be able to tell the next generation that we fought and stirred shit up.
Why wreck an abandoned building or house? That greatly decreases the chance that the building can be rehabilitated for use again and likely will result in its demolition and replacement. Those buildings could have been restored for use by the community but it's made a lot harder if everything is damaged and covered in graffiti.
Countless beautiful historical buildings have been lost forever because vandals destroyed them beyond repair before they could be saved. Even worse when it's someone's house left abandoned after they pass away (usually old people), and people come and destroy what might be the last few things to remember that person by. Vandalism of abandoned buildings just saddens me.
I understand they use adverts, but that doesn't mean they need to know everything about me.
As DuckDuckGo put it, they display adverts by displaying relevant ads based on searches. You searched for a car? They display car adverts. You searched for a book? They display adverts for a new novel.
They don't need a track of and psychological analysis of every person's habits.