Fuck no it didnt! America got some of the best education in the country!! You need to get out more and wake up sheeple. Look I'd argue you more against you but idk if you're looking to have your soft little opinion challenged. I'm sorry I just get so angry when people insult the US of A. Look I'm sorry to hear about your contract addiction. My cousin is an addict too, mostly meth, it's a disease I get that. God bless you on your fight against it.
As a product of that education system, you are right on the money. Our major downfall was when we started tying school funding with standardized testing with the class of 1994. My class of 1993 got to take the same tests as a pilot, but were the last generation to receive education that wasn’t largely geared towards those tests (which don’t focus at all on critical thinking).
not really with meme templates. which ones have evolved? People expand on the idea sometimes or play with them but this has nothing to do with the format.