New data shows Australia's gender pay gap has narrowed, but working women are still more than $28,000 a year worse off than the average man.
In short:
More than half of Australian companies have improved their gender pay gap, compared to last year. But for every $1 a man earns, women, on average, still only earn 78 cents.
The gender pay gap is not about "equal pay for equal work", but aims to quantify the difference between the average earnings of women and men in the workforce.
What's next?
Anyone can view the gender pay gaps at companies that employ more than 5 million Australian workers, and their plans to reduce the gap.
I think calling it a pay gap is fairly disingenuous, really its about apparent descrimination. We should work ti eliminate descrimination while still hiring the best person for the job, otherwise you end up going the other way and you're back at square one.
I mean, where I work we've hired every female applicant we've ever had and we're still at around 98% male. I'm not sure what we could even do about it.