I'm doing my best to give the red states the single finger salute and avoid their products. Purchased a case of Molson Canadian and Labatt's Blue Light...lol! Bottles only!
you know animal abuse is optional, right? like millions of people manage to get through the day without paying to have billions of individuals subjected to atrocity every fucking day.
I'm vegan but the kids are not and the wife is not either. The things I cannot help are things I can only throw humor at. As an example, when trump is done with the white house, what foot will the Democratic party shoot when they win next? Lol....not lol, we're screwed!
American here. We spend more money in Canada in the first quarter than we did in the USA. We loved returning to Quebec again for a visit, and also spending a week in Alberta for the first time. Our president is an idiot, and he's harming my Canadian brothers and sisters. Keep buying Canadian, and I'll try to keep doing the same.
We can't wait to come back! I hope we'll still be welcome in your wonderful country in the future. I would not blame Canada a bit for turning us away at the border however. Please continue to protect not only the land but the idea of Canada. Its a spark of modern enlightenment too important to be extinguished as it is in the USA right now under our current president.
I fully believe half of them will delude themselves into thinking it's just part of cancel culture (woke-ism or whatever the raison d’être), and if they just keep holding on to technocrat authoritarianism just a little longer, the world will have to give in.
American here too. I needed snow boots for our trip to Alberta. I specifically wanted Canadian. I bought a pair of Kamik boots. While I couldn't find Canadian manufactured snow boots, these were at least a Canadian company (made in Vietnam). They performed amazingly and kept my feet warm and dry while tromping through the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
I've got some Amazon gift card balance on my account from Christmas. I'm not sure if it would be better to spend that (which would mean buying from Amazon) or to leave it (which would mean letting Amazon keep my money.)
The best you can do if you want to spend that on Amazon is to look for Canadian manufacturers. Amazon has a lot of small, local businesses, especially on food items.
Edit: also consider that Amazon already has the money if it's a gift card. Spend it on stuff you need and don't sweat it. Finding Canadian items should be easy.
Depending where you are it's honestly not hard to avoid amazon.
I've cancelled prime in January and since then, I found that every thing I needed and got there for convenience, I got from elsewhere for the same if not less and with the same kind of shipping speed.
Hell, just this week I was setting up my old vita for my son and found I needed a replacement charger. I found it from a used game store in Ontario, came to me in 2 days.
I'm ashamed of being lazy these past few years and using them so much when I could have supported local businesses instead...
I'll add - dumped Amazon a bit ago and wish I'd done it sooner. Finding lots of other online stores and getting more quality products. Haven't shopped at Walmart in decades. Trying to walk the walk more and it's improving my qol.
I'm only buying European products, and even got some Canadian stuff. No US products at all. Ditched all meta, amazon, google, disney. Hope the US economy is going to take more hard hits, so people realise the Orange Toddler needs to go
As much as I love people buying stuff from MB, honey dill is obscenely simple to make
You can do equal parts honey and mayo or adjust them to your preference, it's an extremely forgiving recipe. I do usually around half the amount of honey to mayo.
Not OP, but one thing that is kind-of a luxury here is maple syrup, which I buy infrequently as a treat - but so far, I had always bought the cheapest (US) variant I found here in Europe. Seeing that I buy it so infrequently anyway, I will go for a more premium Canadian one for sure next time I buy some.
Californian here. Thank you. Keep up the heat. Those of us on the inside fighting for what's right need your help in putting as much pressure on these assholes as possible.
I think it might be time for those of us in the blue states to offer a reciprocal sales tax break to our Canadian, European, and Mexican allies to offset the tariff idiocy. If CA nixed it's sales tax for "Allied Countries", that's roughly 10% we could trim the tariff impact by. If it's reciprocal, then it could be a way to mitigate Trump's effect on our shared financial interests. I'd be more than willing to vote for this.
i actually disagree here, for a couple of different reasons. First, the sales tax is a regressive tax on the poor, and it will directly help lower income communities while positively changing their buying habits.
Second, reducing the tariff impact directly increases overall economic activity. For instance, that Canadian lumber is still going to be taxed when it's sold as a dresser made by an Washington woodworker - it just means that the woodworker isn't paying as much of a tariff to bring the raw materials into the country. This means that overall sales tax revenue goes up because its less expensive to do business.
Third, in terms of specifics (on primarily a West Coast basis) regarding potential lost revenue, California's loss could be offset by repealing Prop 13 - we have very low property taxes as a result of this Reagan era law, and bringing it more in line with real property values could bring in billions from our wealthiest (and we have a lot of wealthy landowners in CA). Washington (to my knowledge) doesn't have property tax - bringing on one could similarly offset the revenue loss. Oregon, conversely, doesn't have sales tax, so in their case it might be more an issue of funding state rebates for allied countries - for instance, a reduction on property taxes for new homes built with allied country sourced materials.
All this being said, the real solution to the government revenue program for social programs in the face of a lawless fascist federal government is for the blue states to start collecting federal income tax directly from their citizens, paying for the programs themselves, and then providing the remainder to the federal government if they've been meeting their duty under the Constitution. However, this step would be the prelude to real civil war, so it's likely a bridge too far for our current political leaders on the left.
Dumped all the social media for us and our small business as well as my art sales. Shut down Amazon and the streaming stuff. No more American big box or fast food. The garden is much bigger cause fuck Galen Weston and Sobeys too. Don't forget those assholes are profiting big from all this shit. I teach a cooking class for kids and I think I might expand that to adults this fall as well.