I'll go first. I strongly prefer Bedrock to Java and actively dislike the Java edition.
To clarify my reasoning(copied from a reply I made:
Bedrock has a few features that I find to be really nice, and make Minecraft a much nicer experience for me
Better performance(I'm aware of sodium)
Simple Crossplay
One-Click modding API
Starting a world on my realm on my PC, and then continuing on my switch in bed
Split screen for when I have friends over to play on Console
.mcworld files make world management and creating backups really easy
I'm also well aware of bedrock's issues. The things that bother me:
Shitty offhand
The marketplace
Chat being mobile oriented so it takes up the entire screen
But overall, I've just kinda learned to really enjoy bedrock, and playing Java just feels like a hassle to me. I should also clarify that I am mainly a Vanilla player. I rarely dabble with mods. My experience with modding was ruined by needing the twitch app to install mods a few years ago.
Probably refusing to build exteriors for my builds, which are mainly redstone focused. I like to build all the interfaces and the tech itself, but I don't like building exteriors and I kind of suck at it.
Honestly, I like the industrial look of large exposed redstone builds. Especially if there's been some terraforming of the region to appear more industrial.
Nice! I heard a solution to creeper holes a while ago: fill them in with water, it only takes 2 inventory spots to always be able to do so, and turn them into nice little ponds dotting the countryside.