“I’ve got some news: I’ve decided to run against Nancy Pelosi to represent San Francisco in Congress. I know some of you might be surprised that Speaker Emeritus Pelosi is running again, but she is—for her 21st term!” Chakrabarti’s post read.
I fucking hate boomers in political office. They refuse to let go of the reins. They want to hold on until death. Selfish.
I saw a video last year asking people in the UK about USA politics and someone commented how old our leaders are.
Term and age limits will be needed if the Constitution is improved, alongside ditching first-past-the-post voting. A great deal of America's rot comes from the stagnation caused by career politicians who simply exist to occupy a seat.
Sure, we might lose 'wise' leaders, but it has become pretty damn clear that archaic politicians are the plugged toilets of Democracy. All they do is cause a mess if not promptly handled. The Geronocrats must go.
SF is incredibly liberal, I could absolutely see Nancy losing and finally being forced to retire. Just gotta get people out to vote during the Primary.
Pelosi was elected when she was 41-42. Saikat Chakrabarti is 39, so only a couple years younger than when Pelosi was put into Congress. This is the perfect time for her to be forced to retire.
All these fucking useless Democratic leaders are so selfish. You've failed and failed over and over again, miserably, yet you still insist on trying to lead? Do the right thing. Step down. Quit. It's truly disgusting how they've strangled their party and country with their incompetence.
Much like the appeasers that enabled Hitler, history is going to look back on Pelosi, Schumer, Kamala, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Jefferies, and other democrats who stood by and let all this happen on their watch without so much as a wimper.
Back when Pelosi was pushing the Affordable Care Act she came on KQED and railroaded the host, basically just ignored all the questions to deliver the party line. I was bruh this is your home base and acted like it was hostile territory.
Pelosi has been a huge fundraiser and leader for the Democrats, but might as well live on planet Mars when it comes to understanding working class people, even in the Bay Area.
We need a leadership vacuum in the Democratic Party to even hope of changing anything significantly.