Yep. Anyone who wants can check and still see nearly unanimous support for everything he's doing.
I assume everyone knows what to replace badplace with.
They are my canary. When a few of them start to notice they've been had (and frankly I'm skeptical they will do so until someone they love is headed to a camp) I'll believe there's any substantive remorse among Trump voters.
Nope, not until they lose their own, and maybe not even then. I love a great FAFO face eating story as much as the next, but you simply canNOT exaggerate the levels of cognitive dissonance these people are capable of enduring before their heads explode.
True. My MiL was just like “well, I guess we’ll just use oil lamps and live like the 1800’s” if everything collapses ignoring completely they are 100% reliant on medicare, social security, and the VA to live, as is her whole damn extended family. Fucking idiots.
Nah. It's very much a "if their job was important, they'd keep it" mentality. I live in a basically forever red state; tariffs on coal are specifically threatening to close mines in WV because the Chinese won't import coal anymore (they are our biggest exporter). There isn't a single whisper of why this is bad for us; Trump has pledged to keep the mines open for years. He could put the lock in the entrance himself and the miners would kiss his feet as he did it.
Hardcore Trumpers will NEVER regret anything. They'd walk into a gas chamber with a smile on their face and a song in their hearts, if Fuck Face waved them in. But to be honest -- at this point, I don't care if the truecvlt MAGAts love it or hate what Trump is doing, so long as they suffer in the long run. Let them laugh their way into ruin, so long as they are ruined, that's all I care about.
I'm surrounded by Trumpers, they're everywhere around here. So far I've talked to one with regrets, and he knew better.
What really gets me is how he's now complaining about stuff I warned him about back in September. He voted red because he thought it would help his imminent retirement. Also he didn't like Kamala.
This guy really thought the whole platform they've been pushing would settle into business as usual, and now he's a shocked pikachu.
The reports I've seen have all indicated those with eaten faces haven't changed their minds.
Cippola:s 5 laws of stupidity.
Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.