I think there needs to be a senate & congress vote AND a majority of states need to ratify the amendment after which the Supreme court does a review.
Elon Musk and Donald Trump are so out of touch with the basic American citizen today that I’m sure they think the Postal Service is the organization that puts up road signs and highway barriers or something
It can be systematically deconstructed and defunded until it no longer works and is non-functional and frustrating to use and then that used as an excuse to eliminate it.
I feel like plebs who like the idea of privatizing the USPS (for the sake of “saving money” and therefore not having to pay for a service they “don’t need”) are the same folk who by definition of supporting the orange turd also like the idea of raising taxes for themselves and the majority of the US population to then give to the rich (but of course if they’re in the tax bracket where they make so much to get the tax break then fuck them).
It’s fine if they want to flaunt their brand of crazy but at least make it make sense.