If it weren't for the sleeping in on a Sunday I wouldn't be getting enough sleep. Today I've got a Silat class to teach, then D&D. I am hoping the craptastic video issue stays quite enough for my game, then I can re-attack that in the morning. I did love the fact that thanks to @linuxmemes, I feel seen.
750 Ti, and the driver is still garbage. on plasma wayland had to turn off window previews on taskbar for the environment to not freeze randomly. a kernel update earlier there was an 80% chance the whole thing would crash after login on the firsf frame of the desktop, or before that. gamescope has problems thanks to nvidua unique things: FSR is pure blackness but even without that, games are tearing and slow while even a test animation like vkcube maxes out a cpu core of a cpu that's not nearly that bad. and that's just been the product of a single week of linux usage on the desktop.
Probably referencing the power delivery problems. IIRC, all of the power on the 5090s is being delivered over one wire, making them hot enough to start fires.
Edit: My brain can't hold context for more than 30 seconds, apparently
@Diplomjodler3 Yeah, that's where I was reposting it from. I was trying to cite the source, not realizing that was reposting it. I edited my original post so hopefully it doesn't carry through any further.
Had to get steam deck, cheapest computer I could get that was made for Linux and gaming. My gaming laptop is more powerful but yet fucking Nvidia won't work on it. And yes I did literally everything I can do. It's a lost cause. Now I only use it for looking for a job and some intense games that can't run on my steam deck.
Ok, this was my first out-loud laugh of the day. I really like the MJ docuseries. And I also work in tech / have an affinity for tech. And nothing works anymore, so this got me. I like it.
Edit: because I’m scrolling on my phone and my computer, this has made me laugh three times.