Was in line for shawarma. The guy in front of me was getting "sir" this, "sir" that from the cashier. I braced for my turn. To my joy, I received absolutely no gendered honorifics.
Virtual appointment with PP was easier for me than an in-person appointment (and more convenient - I've had some while I'm at work, one at my moms', etc).
Granted, checkups require going to get labs and the request form does show you are getting tested for E and T and says "F64.0 Transsexualism" (probably because insurance requires it). But you would still need some way of measuring your levels with DIY...
I'm still seeing a therapist, and if she doesn't prescribe it to me by the end of February or beginning of March, I'm thinking I will start DIY or something similar. I'd rather go through official route if I can.