They're clogging exhaust pipes with foam: Russian sabotage in Germany to discredit the Greens?
They're clogging exhaust pipes with foam: Russian sabotage in Germany to discredit the Greens?
Police questioned four suspects. One admitted that they were hired by a Russian and that they received instructions via a mobile phone application from ...

That's actually quite good promotion for me: If russia goes to this lenghts to depress support for the greens, they are doing something right. If Putin doesn't want them to be in power, I very well would like to have them there
Of course, but that's because you know it was the russians. The average voter might think the Greens and/or their voters are dumb/assholes, that "Russia did it" is just an excuse, and therefore shouldn't vote them
Right-wing tabloid Bild picked up the story in December when the Russian connection wasn't known. So yeah.
Analene Baerbock
Analena Burbok
Kaja Kalas
Roderick Kiesewetter
Wtf. They managed to mispell Annalena Baerbock four different ways, and they also mangled Kaja Kallas and Roderich Kiesewetter. They had no issue spelling Bundestag or Bundeswehr however. Do they hate all these people or did the writer lose a bet of some sort?
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.
The damaged vehicles often had stickers with the image of the Greens' candidate for chancellor, as well as the slogan "Be greener!". That's why investigators initially assumed that climate activists or Greens supporters were behind the foam attacks.
I don't get why they would assume the attackers were Greens supporters when it was cars with stickers supporting the Greens that were being damaged?
edit: Yes, the phrasing of the quote I included in this post did give me the idea that they were targeting cars that already had bumper stickers supporting the Green candidate.
The saboteurs also put those stickers there.
It's translated as be greener which can be seen as an endorsement but the way it's written in the original german is rather accusatory. The stickers are also ugly and have a smug image of the green candidate.
Is this a genuine question?
I assume the people who damaged the vehicles were also the ones who put the stickers on the car, or atleast that's what the investigators assumed.
The stickers were placed by the attackers.
I too was confused by the phrasing of the article.
Thanks for idea!
Check the Tyre Extinguishers
Can they come and do it around here to all the cars with twatty exhausts?
If you plug a loud muffler with foam they will just cut it off and run open pipes.
Good. Easier for the next lot of foam to get to the engine.
Too bad you can't do this to cyber trucks.
They would not get a Straßenzulassung or operation permit in Germany anyway for safety reasons.
I support climate direct action, even if Russians are doing it
This isn't helping stop oil or achieve climate action, this is precisely to keep the people who wanna stop oil and take climate action out of goverment lmao
This can kill; I know someone who died of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a clogged exhaust. It ventilates away if the vehicle is in motion but they were idling.