It's frightening how a dictatorship is setting itself up in plain sight, at an accelerated pace, almost hour after hour, and nobody does a damn thing about it.
These are fascist purges. The way a military dictatorship would take over. This kind of thing is what you see in undeveloped poor countries, banana republics.
There's so many parts and pieces that all failed to get to where we are today. Each time you reflect a moment and realize that we shouldn't be be here in the first place:
The FBI // justice department shouldn't be a tool of personal revenge.
But wait Trump/Musk shouldn't have become presidents to begin with.
Voters should be educated and well informed enough to simply not vote for an autocrat.
Merrick Garland should never have become attorney general and even so Biden should have pressured him hard to do his job.
Trump should have been impeached multiple times already.
But the democrats too should have had a better alternative candidate.
The democrats should have had a real primary contest.
Biden should have never announced to run for another term out of the blue.
And his handlers shouldn't have tried to hide his frailty for so long.
If only Donald Trump should have been sentenced for his many crimes.
And he shouldn't have had the backing of the Republican party for this long.
Arguably voters should have realized he's inept the first time around.
The media shouldn't have sensationalized him as much when he first ran as a publicity stunt
The list is not exhaustive and goes on and on...
And in the background there's all the systemic failures and problems that enabled this: terrible public education, ignoring a large chunk of the electorate for too long, citizens united, social media and outrage culture, rampant disinformation and propaganda disguised as news, the electoral college and de facto 2 party system, too few checks and balances being hard codified, obvious loop holes like presidential pardons, ...
Petty sure historians will analyze this for generations. If we will still live in a world where historians are allowed to about their work freely.
Petty sure historians will analyze this for generations
Historians have studied the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazis in, out, up, down and sideways for 92 years and it amounted to a big fat nothing, as here we are again, dealing with the exact same shit today.
Who is going to do something? This is what the country voted for. So far, everything done has been legal. It will take time to make worse things legal, probably, but that is coming, too.
Not everything done so far has been legal and there are multiple ongoing cases suing Trump's actions. Book bans, healthcare, and anti-trans legislation are the first that come to mind. People and organizations (e.g. ACLU) in positions of power are trying to stand up for the common person where they can. If I had more money I'd donate to them.
No, it's not all legal. But the courts don't act at the speed of this executive.
This is a breakdown of our government.
I'm curious as to who's doing the actual force of these things. I know federal employees at the Treasury aren't expected to be armed resistance, but who, exactly, is behind forcing the way for Musk's people? Is it police? Private security? His own goons?
Well someone is going to do something, likely a lawsuit because these firings are pretty clearly illegal. Now if the Supreme Court (again) decides the law doesn't apply to Trump, then maybe it's time to freak out. But that'll take over a year and then it'll be midterms time. And as terrible as Democrats are at winning, they'll have to really suck to screw that up.
Half the country didn't vote for fascism. Half the country voted for anyone who promised to lower the price of fucking groceries, danger and morals be damned.
Yes, half of the country is thick as pig shit. But they're not all fascist to the core.
Something is only illegal if someone upholds the law. And so far no one has upheld anything. And these are the people who tried, and now they're being made examples of just in case anyone else gets the wrong ideas.
Lol really. I understand there's probably a lot of nuance but for the majority of us laymen this is what we saw the whole 4 years Biden was in office. Nothing was done to prevent a return of Trump. Which speaks volumes about those in power even when a democrat is in power.
Fun Hitler fact (as if there is such a thing): the phrase "Night of the Long Knives" was coined by Hitler himself in a speech given shortly after the event, although he used the phrase to describe what Ernst Rohm had allegedly been planning himself. The media instead attached the phrase to Hitler's actions, much against his wishes.
And I suppose we'll get more feigned surprise in the "liberal media", pretending they didn't know that donvict is a vengeful asshole that plans on doing NOTHING for the American people and everything to enrich the broligarchy and make others suffer, all while carrying out revenge on anyone he thinks "wronged" him.
Oh, and I'm sure we'll get more gaslighting and total lack of any apology from the idiots that were telling everyone bOtHsIdEs in the run up to the election, because the Democratic Party didn't promise them a pretty pony.
If only this was some Movie/TV Show where a "Good Cop" gets fired by the "One Corrupt Government Official" and they somehow gather enough evidence and get rid of the Corrupt Official, and they get restored in their position, and get a promotion, and then the Happily Ever After ending!
Just that One corrupt official ruining everything, everything else in the system is perfectly fine and there are zero corrupt people left... Totally perfect hollywood logic.