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Category 5 Titty Rule
  • As long as it's between two consenting adults I really don't give a shit.

  • Far-right wins first round in France election, run-off horsetrading begins
  • Nazi Germany as an example was a populist and nationalist movement that rose out of the austerity plan from WW1. Yes it is very much linked with fascism.

    What we are experiencing in America and Canada right now is a rise in populism and nationalism which again is dragging fascism along on its heels. Again, they are all very much tied together.

    Beyond that I'm not going to argue with someone with their head up their ass. History has proven again and again that Populism, Nationalism and Fascism are all similar and travel together repeatedly. Do they always? No.

  • Far-right wins first round in France election, run-off horsetrading begins

    Look at the example. See how in a Venn diagram they overlap?

    I brought it up because the 3 overlap pretty consistently. If you have a rabid nationalistic, fascist or populist movement chances are it has symptoms of the other 2.

    That is not to say that rampant nationalism means fascist. Populism doesn't mean fascism to your example.

    I can't believe I have to explain this to someone but here we are.

  • Far-right wins first round in France election, run-off horsetrading begins
  • Do you even math bro? Look up Venn Diagram examples.

  • Far-right wins first round in France election, run-off horsetrading begins
  • If there was a Venn diagram, populism and nationalism and fascism all overlap beautifully.

    I worry for my kids. I'm doing the best I can to keep the anger out of their hearts but Jesus Christ the world is so angry right now and they don't know where to put it.

    Rough times ahead and strongly recommend everyone keep those you care about close.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • I get where you're coming from with needing an official diagnosis for work accommodations, but none of your friends are really going to demand to see a doctor's note, so why would personal relationships depend on an official diagnosis?

    The same reasons as from a professional experience. Yes they aren't going to pull the doctor's note but neither is work IMHO. What it does is provide more weight behind your words of "hey I'm not just googling this shit. I'm not just an insufferable asshole looking to validate that I am. I'm actually working with a psychologist."

    Friends, just like coworkers, etc. care less of the diagnosis. They want to know you're working on you because I'd argue writ large people want to see you succeed. A self-diagnosis can help but it doesn't give you access to all the tools you may need to succeed so from the outside I would argue that official diagnosis matters. It means you now have someone else on your "team" be it a GP or a psychologist or whatever helping you navigate things.

  • Self-diagnosis is valid if it helps you
  • Self-diagnosis doesn't help with relationships IMHO either and I mean that both from a personal and professional perspective.

    Why you might ask?

    YMMV but for me, I am an open book. Having the diagnosis meant I could talk to bosses when trying a new med, or explain to them when struggling. Knowing the diagnosis means you immediately diffuse an aspect of a challenge. For me, that has been immensely valuable.

    Edit - wanted to add a common counterpoint is don't let work know because you can't predict people who will use your honesty against you. I will argue assholes are assholes and you can't live your life at the possibility someone will be a dick. Most people are good people. Trust on that.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • I saw a guy who didn't just lose his car keys. He shouldn't be allowed to drive period. America is so fucked and thus so is the rest of the world.

  • That's just what happens. It's life.
  • That role? Life.

  • How some of us found out...
  • Devil's advocate if you're an adult and your QOL is fine DO NOT entertain meds without a clear understanding of what they do, what they solve and what you're looking for.

    I got diagnosed at 40. I tried meds. First biphentin then concerta. Then I dropped it. What I need meds for is to assist with was negligible in my life with the exception of emotional regulation which they were making my life substantially worse. I'm successful in a career and as a father. I fail at relationships. I made the executive decision that meds are not for me. Psychology and CBT are far more valuable.

  • The enshittification of music, by Rick Beato
  • There is and always will be amazing music. I grew up with classic rock and classic country. Now I'm listening to Tierra Whack. I'm a 46 year old white dude. I am sooooo not her demographic but fuck it good music is good music.

  • Mythbusters
  • I have never seen so many ways for a smart person to call someone a moron than I did in this video. I wish there were more examples to revel in

  • Mythbusters
  • Kind of related but there was a video on StarTalk a couple days ago on NGT rebutting a Joe Rogan interview with Terrence Howard. It's was joyous watching a breakdown in how science works while very politely calling TH an absolute moron.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Because writ large we are all under staffed and it we need to cut something it's QA.




    Businesses have shown time and time again they choose cheap and fast. Good is a problem for the future.

    MVP baby!

  • Joe sniffing hair tho
  • Still the best onion article of all time

  • OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content
  • On the one hand the genie is out of the bottle. On the other hand this doesn't stop the moral debate of "is this the right path even?".

    My gut tells me those making these choices driving "AI" forward right now are on the wrong side of history. Only time will tell.

  • Non-negotiable
  • 😏

  • 376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • From all my internet lurking I discovered that America is a country almost beyond redemption, or at least some states

    If America is a sum of its states, they are beyond redemption.

    If the world is a sum of its countries, we are all beyond redemption.

    Imho the whole system is broken and until everyone (worldwide) starts aligning then the world is lost. We aren't there yet.

  • Am I alone loving this?

    There's something I just love about big cities that have little pockets where the bones are exposed a bit more.

    How many KM/Miles you run this week?

    I'm up to 19km. Going to push it over 20km tomorrow morning I think.

    Game Threads and possible integration with Swish App?

    For any android users like myself you may have been using Swish which was made by a reddit user but since the API bullshit the app still works for games but there's no live/post game thread access. I just submitted a request to see if we can get it integrated with Lemmy :)

    Anyone got any m3u8 streams?

    Looking to watch some raptors or anyone else

    Industrial Music whoisearth
    ysk - your account doesn't exist on other instances and communities don't overlap

    User accounts are fragmented and just because you signed on at doesn't mean your account exists on

    Communities are fragmented and /c/games on is completely different than the one on with its own users, set of posts, etc.

    Lemmy does not currently allow for instance or user migration.

    Nor does it allow for shared communities (ie the aforementioned /c/games is unified across multiple instances)

    We are in the early days. If you're eager feel free to join in the development on these any many other core issues. There's real potential here.
