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Sabot in the Age of AI
Here is a curated list of strategies, offensive methods, and tactics for (algorithmic) sabotage, disruption, and deliberate poisoning.
🔻 iocaine
The deadliest AI poison—iocaine generates garbage rather than slowing crawlers.
🔗 https://git.madhouse-projec...
I do feel like active anti-scraping measures could go somewhat further, though - the obvious route in my eyes would be to try to actively feed complete garbage to scrapers instead - whether by sticking a bunch of garbage on webpages to mislead scrapers or by trying to prompt inject the shit out of the AIs themselves.
Some of this stuff could be conceivably implemented as an easy-to-consume service. It would be nice if it were possible to fend off the scrapers without needing to be a sysadmin or, say, a cloudflare customer.
(Whilst I could be either of those things, unless someone is paying me I would very much rather not)
You can make a page filled with gibberish and have a display: none honeypot link to it inside your other pages. Not sure how effective would that be though
Sure, but then you have to generate all that crap and store it with them. Preumably Github will eventually decide that you are wasting their space and bandwidth and... no, never mind, they're Microsoft now. Competence isn't in their vocabulary.