Poland urges Tesla boycott after Musk’s call to ‘move past’ Nazi guilt – POLITICO
Poland urges Tesla boycott after Musk’s call to ‘move past’ Nazi guilt – POLITICO
I'm gonna trust Poland on this one.
Not just Polens should boycott any of Musks businesses.
Careful, he may sue Poland for not buying his cars and limiting his freeze peach.
"it's time to move past the Nazi guilt of the past and forge a new Nazi guilt! Join me in our new embarrassing and disgusting Nazi future to feel guilty of!"
It ain't gonna happen. The majority of people don't care. Fascism is the playground of big corporations so they will all fall in line and people will support them. It was the same in Nazi Germany.
IG Farben literally had a slave labor camp at Auschwitz-Monowitz and only got a slap on the wrist for that. Fuckers should have been hung, but nope, they got released in 1951 because they behaved so well in prison lol. The constituent companies (Bayer, Hoechst and BASF) still exist and do very well. Yes, Bayer, the ones that sent HIV-contaminated blood packs to a humanitarian crisis in the Amazon, noticed their error early on and then swept it under the rug for months until the public found out. No repercussions for that one neither, it's called being above the law.
95% of all German companies that existed prior Hitler has a dark chapter. You wanna get rid of them all?
Typically, when looking at such companies history, it might look something like this:
1911: Founded in Hinterwalddorf by the two Goldstein brothers under the name "Goldstein Maschinenbau GbR"
1918: First branch in Nachbardorf, beginning of market expansion
1925: 100th branch openedin Hauptstadt, revenue increases
1933: First international branch in Austria
1938: Goldstein brothers leave the company, transfering ownership to the Wolf family
1939: Renaming of the company to "Reichsmaschinengesellschaft AG"
1947: Reestablishment of the company by the two youngest nephews of the Wolf family as "Hinterwalddorfer Maschinen GmbH"etc.
Why? The only thing needed would have been to throw the really bad ones into prison and take the wealth from the owners. Also 95% seems high. Most companies are pretty small and your average backery did not have much to do with mass murder.
Way ahead of you, Poland.
Every day I regret my purchase more and more. I guess it is time to tape my cameras and debadge my car?
I want a cheap electric car. I drive 120 miles a day for my commute. I get 40mpg but I'd love a Tesla. It's rough that this guy fucked up what was supposed to be a good thing.