I see this often and wonder how much I miss as a result. Imgur links neither render as a link nor an image. I only know it's a link to an image when I view it the same post via the WebUI or another app. I don't even realize these are images most of the time and just scroll past.
Is it simply not being handled yet? A bug? Design decision?
Ugh. Now I see that this behavior changes between instances. Will have to look deeper later. Could be BE version differences. Could be instance settings.
We have your example from your instance and then I tested the following...
I don't have this issue with imgur links, but it does happen to me with at least one or two other image hosts. Works fine in the web UI, but not in Boost. Β―_(γ)_/Β―
I really like using Boost, so I hope this gets fixed, but like yourself, I keep missing stuff because I can't see some images.