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These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • Nah that's normal, obviously

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • Fuck I was totally convinced until I saw her shoe laces

  • loss rule
  • Most people here would definitely know the song. The song itself has become incredibly popular, of course. But the phenomenon of trolling someone with a rick-roll would be too obscure for someone described as "very-much-not-online".

    So that's the context I made my comment in. Internet culture is huge here, but it lives on the internet. But hey, in no way am I the decider on what is normal elsewhere.

  • pissposting
  • Best piss post in a while

  • Honk
  • Can't even post geese now. Because of woke.

  • Lycanthropy
  • Because there's only one beerwolf

  • I do a bit of mischief
  • Good job, giving the baby some life lessons

  • loss rule
  • I guess it would depend on where one's from then. I don't, as a northern European, have any clue what the Macy Day parade is. One needs to be a chronically online person to know what a rick roll is in my country, and I would call that phenomenon massively widespread in our online culture (well, back in the day). Someone being "very much not online" and at the same time being aware of Rick rolling is an oxymoron to me.

  • loss rule
  • The problem I had was "very-much-not-online" and knowing what a rick-roll is.

  • loss rule
  • He knows what a rick-roll is. Sus.

  • Lycanthropy
  • That's good!

  • Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows?
  • Generally? Yes. Cows are animals. They will react to situations. Especially to you appearing between them and their children. Bulls can be aggressive, but that doesn't mean that they always are.

  • The rule LGBT agenda
  • Always has been

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    Idag klockan 13 skulle ministerrådets hållning i frågan om Chat control klubbats, men med bara timmar kvar har ärendet nu strukits från agendan. Det bekräftar en centralt placerad källa i EU.– Jag …

    Chat control struket från agendan i Coreper – ingen omröstning idag
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    Bildbevisen: Miljöpartiet röstade inte fel om Chat control
    funny signs no banana
    ObviouslyNotBanana no banana

    Hey Jack!

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