Why is everyone asking why in the comments? The video is short and excellent. It answers the question, providing 4 reasons. I've been wondering, and now I know. Thanks OP.
Probably because most of us come to forums like this one for discussion. Not to be click-baited into sitting through someone's video exposition.
The video is short and excellent.
OP posted an off-site link with a useless title, and nothing else. No explanation. No synopsis. No point of view. Just an off-site link with a title that tries to bait us into spending our time bolstering their view count for them. That alone is enough to disqualify it as an excellent post in a text forum. If he had written something thoughtful here, them maybe it could have been a valuable post.
I feel exactly this way. Its like give me something on this platform to look at or discuss and sure provide a source link and if Im interested enough I may go to it but link and nothing else. nuts to that.
Perhaps not everyone uses the platform the same way you do? If someone provides a link to an explanation of a complex topic I think that can sometimes be valuable. You seem to have a very black and white view of how the platform is to be used.