This was my first time watching The Traitors and I enjoyed it all the way except the final.
I'm disappointed Leanne won, but pleased Jake won. Alexander didn't deserve to be banished, the poor guy was dealt a bad hand the whole way through.
Leanne was far too aggressive in her defense that no one dared to judge her except Alexander.
Charlotte got what she deserved after immediately double crossing Minah. I was team Minah all the way through, you could tell she was just having fun but she made a huge mistake trusting in sisterhood with Charlotte.
I feel like they need to have measures in place to have the faithfuls work together more, at the end it feels like it's in the faithfuls best interest to whittle the numbers down the smallest possible for they get more money in a split.
Minah was the GOAT. She deflected well, stirred the pot only when she had to, and stayed true to Linda only until she no longer couldn't.
Charlotte was such a bad traitor. Throw your partner under the bus on the first night? Of course he's going to finger you on the way out! So stupid of her.
Leanne and Jackie were both hard to watch, trust - completely ruled by their emotions.
Jake and Minah were the best, and I'm genuinely glad one of them go to see it through
I suspect her role in the military wasn't what most viewers picture when someone says that.
The fake Welsh thing was just bizarre. How pointless was that?
I think the priest thing could've been interesting, but it never really came up.
I strongly suspect the producers were counting on the new "seer" thing not being immediately used to find the only traitor left. Because it totally torpedoed the end.
I suspect her role in the military wasn’t what most viewers picture when someone says that.
She proved that under duress, she cannot keep her feelings under control. Compared to the others who were not trained by the military, she was a child.
I think the priest thing could’ve been interesting, but it never really came up.
I strongly suspect the producers were counting on the new “seer” thing not being immediately used to find the only traitor left. Because it totally torpedoed the end.
Yeah - to be fair the producers, they did try to make it interesting but luck was not on their side