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Some VR studios are discounting their Quest games by 90% - Why?
  • They will only support it if it makes them more money. As soon as it doesn't, they will drop it.

    Tens of millions of users can be profitable ifnthey buy stuff. However, if its just cheap games and lits of infrastructure is needed, it won't be. Meta though they could make money off vr. They invested heavily. Its not happening and they will cur their losses.

  • Yep.
  • And rather than wipe it out and start, maybe adjust a percent of it.

    However constitution law would be overridden more. The less stable, the less decided, current scotus aside.

  • In Post-Debate Poll, Voters Think Biden Is Too Old to Be President Yet Alternative Candidates Perform Similarly Against Trump
  • Probably because thentisk of cognitive ability decline over a 4 year period increases significantly. Even if either were at their peak now, there is a higher risk of cognitive decline. Biden already shows signs of decline, so will likely worsen significantly. Trump likely has severe mental health issues and was never in peak health since entering politics.

    Pressure should be placed in Biden to stand down. Trump too, but he won't respond to calls to do the right thing. Biden might. Biden whole reason to stand was to not have Trump. Well, he's causing it to be more likely Trump. He should state that both of them are too old and mental faculties are not there and stand down.

    If he does not, everyone we sensible should still vote Biden in. Trump is dangerous and unhinged.

  • Britain and Ireland if all polar ice on Earth melted (+ coastlines during last ice age)
  • As an Irish person, geographically, it does. Politically it does not. Given this is a geographical map, rather than political, it's appropriate.

    I wouldn't want to see the typical map if great Britain and Northern Ireland with ROI missing. I zoomed in to see my town, which luckily is above water.

  • Yesterday when I went to see Inside Out 2, one of the trailers was for a "Mufasa" movie, in the style of the last live action remake. What the heck.
  • They have had lots of misfires though. Has anyone even heard of strange world? Even going back to the original lion king, they used to release lots of straight to video sequels. Cheap to make, high margin.

    As you say, they have monopolised children's entertainment very successfully. Even with inside out 2, they have taken the character and made them older so the original target audience of viewers can follow the arc personally.

  • Stop use docker
  • I would suggest that if someone is using neither, perhaps consider podman as open source. However, I too would need a reason to move. I mainly use synology for images, so its their container manager, rather than docker but my understanding is its docker under the hood.

  • Do you use Pocket or other Read Later App?
  • I don't use pocket any more but I tried it out. I think the benefit was that you had the sync of articles to read between all devices with pocket.

    Personally, I use a browser for specific sites or searches. I use apps like Lemmy (connect) for content discovery pocket is a bridge between the two. It also allowed sharing between peopke. So rather than sharing a link by email or WhatsApp, I'd just add it to their pocket.

  • What are your thoughts on this? "How did Mozilla Firefox go from being the best and most beloved browser to suddenly the worst company and browser according to Reddit"
  • Yes, a licence fee approved by government and given to the BBC. Its not optional. Its a tax by another name with some arms length from the government to try to prevent conflict of interest. It does OK at that but not great.

    However the point is that you can mix profitable endeavors successfully into a non profit to improve the non profit and fund the non profit parts. The problem is when the tail wags the dog.

  • [Meta] Could we maybe consider something else than the EU flag for the community icon?
  • It now loads for me. Ireland and northern irelands borders are incorrect. I too blame Brexit, lol.

    But as suspected, of this was used, Iceland would be cut off as would Portugal and lots of others depending on selected Centre.

  • [Meta] Could we maybe consider something else than the EU flag for the community icon?
  • While it may not nominally include them, the flags stars represent the coming together of countries. Stars ate no longer added to represent individual countries as theynjoin, so i thinknit still fits.

    Using the map works but as a circular icon it will also exclude countries or be too small, so it doesn't fix the problem presented.

    Its not ideal as a logo but unless a better option presents, I'd keep itnover a map. Unfortunately, this specific map is not loading for me. Possibly an update issue.

  • Forgot name of medication I was given while living in France
  • Lol, European records aren't about payment, but patient care. The records undoubtedly show what was taken but the financial records may not. The fee may have been a standard fee for medication or free. It might be different for a non resident receiving care too, but likely the internal records would be the same.

  • bug - refreshing after data outage unresponsive

    My phone coverage stopped for a period. I was using connect at the time and a comment failed. I initially thought it was a big but noted after restarting, it still was out. Then I checked with a test search to find it was all internet.

    A few minutes later internet was back. Went back into Lemmy and refreshed. No data showing. I checked down-for-me for my instance and it was up. Refreshed again. No data.

    Again restarted app and it was fine then. So, it seems he connection outage did not allow refresh after it came back, despite a restart during the outage.

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