European leaders, if they can even be called that, abandoned even the pretense of a rules based world in their eagerness to serve as obedient vassals. By supporting the blatant violation of international law in Gaza, they shattered the very principles that could have shielded them from the same fate.
Europe has actively dismantled the very institutions that could protected it from the predatory ambitions of stronger powers. By embracing "might makes right," Europe has forfeited its moral authority when the same logic is turned against it. The US will exploit the current state of European weakness mercilessly, reducing it to a dependent appendage, stripped of autonomy and dignity.
Europe stands on the precipice of its own century of humiliation that it's marching into with eyes wide open. It's is no longer a player at the table of global power, and now finds itself on the menu.
With regards to supporting Israel, at first it was fine (since the last attack) but how they can continue to support a regime conducting genocide upon Gazans is beyond me. However, in many UN calls for the conflict to end, it was ever only the US that voted in favour of Israel. I don't think they abandoned the rules, its just that a rules based worked order is only as reliable as those who enforce it
It does seem to me that a rules based world is not viable (for now) because none of the big players actually follow the rules. Ex: China for a while has not followed trade rules and subsiquently neither has the US (since they became scared of China's rapid development). With trump 2.0, the world policeman is starting to look very fascist which is not a situation any EU leader could have fathomed a decade ago.
If anything, the EU has been trying to bolster the EU as an entity inorder to protect itself. It's just not everyone in the EU agrees on that course and due to the unanimity requirements, things just can't change. Since the end of WW2 Europe has been a vassel for the US and even until now that's not markedly changes even if it's gotten a little more difficult with the creation of the EU.
That being said, if the EU cannot finally get their shit together then I agree with your last point, they will be eaten alive by the US and China
At no point was the genocide in Gaza fine. People have a tendency to just arbitrarily pick a point in history, such as the October 7 attack, and ignore everything that led up to it. The crimes against humanity have been going on for decades, and the west chose to look the other way.
The EU should stand united against the US right now. Not because it's okay for them to own Greenland, but because the people of Greenland are more threatened by the US right now and the EU may be the only effective deterrence from an invasion.
How exactly do you envision the EU being an effective deterrence against the US exactly? The EU is completely dependent on the US militarily, and now that EU won't trade with Russia, it's also dependent on the US for energy. The US has the EU bent over a barrel at this point.
The EU would have ally itself with China. It is a difficult choice, you have a fascist oligarchy who funded Israel's genocide on one hand (US) vs a communist country that built 40000km of HSR, countless solar panels, the most affordable electric cars in the world, and now a ton of nuclear power plants. I can't tell which country is worse 🙃
Hey Mr president, you know I got to play the bad guy role.
Are u ok with that?
The other big boy where the do the khorovod dance already did it with Ukraine.
We're all waiting for the last big boy on other side of the world who is coming down with huge fireworks and FX on all big cities, we'll laugh hard