You’re not wrong, but this article is more about Netanyahu’s flexibility around ‘antisemitism.’
You know, how it’s now considered antisemitic to criticize Israel’s war crimes, but it’s totally not antisemitic to do a Nazi salute and joke about the holocaust as long as you support Israel’s war crimes?
Netanyahu is a bloodthirsty ultra-nationalist, but his even deeper self is just another shitty corrupt narcissist like Trump. He thinks he's got everyone conned, and he's grabbing everything he can while using the war as his claim to power. As soon as the crisis stops, people will start looking at how much he's on the take again. So he's always got to stir the shit and keep the populace in a state of panic.
Yeah, there is a pretty big difference between "they think we shouldn't defend ourselves" and "they think we shouldn't commit war crimes and genocide while defending ourselves". They initially had a ton of support for defending themselves after october 7th... but they turned the tides against themselves by almost immediately going way too far. It has absolutely nothing to do with who either side is ethnically or religiously or whatever, it is entirely the war crimes and genocide we want to stop.
I think they think "Nazi" or "anti-semite" is just like "bitch"; it's an insult largely divorced from its linguistic origins. So a person is a Nazi if you don't like what they're doing, and the word means nothing more.
Edit: I think people misunderstood and thought I said these guys aren't Naizs. They are. They just don't like when people call them that because they don't know how words work.
I am from Rome and I support this message. Typical Piazza Venezia balcony face, which is also where M would occasionally fuck women offering themselves in admiration.
The KKK supported black separatists in the US in their goal of creating an independent state in Africa. It's almost like you can hate a group of people AND support their right to live on the other side of the world from you.
I think benji sees the utility there, and is also a fascist
He's pretty clearly intentionally taunting everyone who opposes him, just demonstrating what he can get away with. That's what all of this has been about. He might not be anti-Semitic (please don't at me -- he likely is -- I said might) and rather is just a pure troll dickhead.
Just like with some of the 4chan idiots though, there is little functional difference between being a true believer nazi and merely pretending to be one.
“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.” - Jason Garrett-Glaser
Tbh, he's a massive douchebag on a power trip. It wouldn't shock me at all if he wasn't anti-Semitic and is just trying to push people's buttons. At the same time, if this is true, he's also shifting the Overton window and showing what true Nazis can safely get away with in the public eye.
That said, there's a good chance he's also just an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi piece of shit...and still doing the latter part of that.
Regardless, he's a fascist either way, so fuck him.
he’s also shifting the Overton window and showing what true Nazis can safely get away with in the public eye.
This is the major fucking problem. The fat orange diaper sponge already fucked up the "what's acceptable in public" perception 8 years ago - and now we have the Apartheid-dipshit one-upping his rimjob buddy.
The ADL has never not been a horrifically shitty organization and has probably done more damage to Jewish culture than any other group in the last 50 years. They're effectively a bunch of quisling fucks.
as someone who once put in a lot of effort to excuse the far right etc when they maybe cross the line a little bit but probably don't really mean it so let's all calm down a bit, I've learned one thing:
the only reward you get for doing this is that they the next day bombastically step over that same line to show that they don't feel bound by your wimpy sense of decency
because the fight is against what they perceive as a wimpy, castrated centrist decency is one of the central driving forces in such groups
More people who have tried to explain away the nazi salute could probably stand to learn the same lesson ASAP. The only thing they're really communicating is that the rich & powerful can do what they want and the excusers will stay their loyal lapdogs.
Don’t say Hess to Nazi accusations! Some people will Goebbels anything down! Stop Gőring your enemies! His pronouns would’ve been He/Himmler! Bet you did nazi that coming,”
I had a discussion on an industry Slack yesterday with a guy because I called Elon a nazi.
The guy brought immediately the discussion in DM and there I noticed he was wearing a kippa in his profile picture so I asked where was he from...
And he snapped and started to call me a jew hater and telling me that I wanted to bring him to the gas chambers and all the usual bullying.
Turns out the term they are using to make this connection is called Holocaust Trivialization.
I screenshot the whole discussion, blocked him everywhere I could find him (as I am doing with all Israeli people and businesses to be fair) and kept going with my life while he was still spewing insults at me.
This guy is the frontman of the most important conference in my industry.
wow and is he an Elon fan too? or is he just one of those people who call everyone anti-semitist even those speaking against literal Nazi sympathisers lol
He put his hands forward and said, "I don't particularly like Musk", but really, I see no difference between the two categories you described.
The Israeli narrative of not allowing to "trivialize the Holocaust" when I have just been calling the guy a nazi because he speaks, acts and supports like one is exactly the kind of wildcard that a Musk/Trump sympathizer dreams of.
As long as you don't touch the Jews (or better israel and zionists), you are in the clear.
Zionism is the fascist movement within Judaism (although many Jews reject it being associated with Judaism at all). Being against Zionism is no more anti-Jewish than being against white supremacism is being "anti-white". That's how that actually works. Jumping to accuse anyone criticizing Zionism as being "antisemitic" is just a lazy, intellectually dishonest smear that everyone sees through, and you should stop polluting conversations with it.
Autoblocking israelis and autoblocking jews aren't necessarily the same thing. Zionists are essentially nazis. Hell, zionists collaborated with the actual 20th century nazis too. Lots of jews died because of it.
We haven't been ignoring him, obsessively covering his antics is exactly what elevated him and Trump to power, and its not going to fix anything anymore.
We are preaching to the choir when we complain about it here, and absolutely no one who needs to know is is going to see it because they're in their own little filter bubble. But it is validating X as a public platform.
We have to deplatform these people and reach out to insulated bubbles.
Corporate news media is terrified of being sued for libel by Musk, even though it was obviously a Nazi salute. So they use words like "seemed" and "appeared" to avoid saying the obvious.
But the problem is, if you want to be taken seriously as a "news" organization, then you have to speak truth to power and that's going to make you a lot of enemies. Companys have legal departments to minimize their risk, but in the case of journalism, that department exists to get you OUT of trouble not to keep you from ever getting into it.
I know this isn't the point, but they're not even good jokes? On a technical level. Forget the subject matter for a moment, they're just bad puns that aren't very funny or creative.
Agree, but the point of these "jokes" isn't to be funny. The first objective is to offend and cause harm. The second is to phrase the offense in such a way that the offender has the option to say, "it was just a joke" when confronted by the offended. The guy has far more interest in causing harm to people than making them laugh.
“Don’t say Hess to Nazi accusations! Some people will Goebbels anything down! Stop Gőring your enemies! His pronouns would’ve been He/Himmler! Bet you did nazi that coming,” Musk posted Thursday, adding laughing-face emojis.
Being a dipshit Edge Lord all the time must be exhausting. Remember "Poochie" from "The Simpsons?" Yeah, that's Elon. To the X-treme.
Wild how the only people defending Musk making a Hitler salute are a war criminal who is committing genocide and his father, who impregnated his step daughter twice.
Don’t forget there’s also the ADL, who want to equate those opposed to genocide as “anti-Semitic” and defend Musk who has been openly fascist and platforming Nazis for ages.
It's extremely disheartening that people such as this are even given the time of day in the first place. It's even more disheartening when people are getting fired for pointing out the obvious. I couldn't be more glad to have deleted my Twitter.
This is in no way a defense of Elon. He is a horrible Nazi and he hates Jews and I'm a Jew.
That said, I'm not seeing where he brought up the Holocaust. He made a bunch of very offensive puns regarding Nazi leadership, but unless I missed it, nothing about the Holocaust. All the critical responses seem to mention it so maybe I'm missing it?
I guess I feel like "makes Holocaust jokes" is just unnecessary hyperbole when what he said was awful enough.