good thing I'm sober...
this could melt already cooked brains
are you basing this on previous words he used ?
we're gonna play some smooth Crisis 3 bois
how have you not seen it ? it's been around for ages !
but I agree, it's freakin hilarious
I just thought that the same news article being posted in the Boring Dystopia AND NotTheOnion communities simultaneously was kinda funny
to those who don't already know Fireship, go check this guy out !
he's hilarious, and absolutely dunking on the dumbest trends of the tech industry
"Retour à l'envoyeur" laisse entendre une forme de "bien fait pour eux / nous"...
Si tu n'as aucune sympathie pour les agents Chinois qui viennent museler des opposants sur le sol français (ou d'autres qui menacent des opposants hors de leurs frontières), tu ne devrais pas te réjouir du retour de celui-ci
huh, nice to learn a little etymology once in a while !
any idea how the expression "nebunii ăștia chiar nu mai știu cum să-i sugă pula omului portocaliu" came to be ?
how was Shkreli not Luigi'd already ?
here's an idea : let it redirect to a URL but with it's query params tweaked so it automatically attempts an SQL injection on the website when loading