Every single company in the world is dead (for me). Let's collect and discuss alternatives! ✊🛡
CEOs of all companies have done or said something shady/inappropriate/immoral during their lifetime. Let's collect and discuss alternatives!
Stop using anything anything you don't produce yourself or someone you know who is not shady in any way (implant a chip in their head to scan their brain for any shady thoughts or wrongdoings throughout their lifetime).
Alternatives to:
Every single OS
Every single software/hardware
Every single phone manufacturer
Every single car manufacturer
Every single construction company (move to a hut in the forest)
Every single farmer (stop eating vegetables and fruits)
Every single food producer (stop eating/drinking anything unless you produce it yourself or dig a well for water)
Yes, moderate change will save the ecosystem. Reasonable actions are what we need to slowly decelerate the train and allow us to turn. Which will be possible after how long? When do we see these results? We've been trying your way for decades in case you missed it. Look where it's gotten us.
Are you going to write an OS by yourself…!? Are you going to manufacture modern CPU’s by yourself…!? Are you going to violate other people’s bodily autonomy by forcibly implant (immorally built) tech inside them…!?
Are you brain meltingly high…!? Are you full tilt insane…!?
you do understand you live in a society of inter-operating humans, right? a certain level of privacy will only exist if you live on an island of yourself.
im not saying 'no' to privacy, just that we need to find happy mediums where conglomerates dont use our own information against us and we also dont live in a sealed off prison of our own making.
I get its a joke but I don't use anything I don't absoultely have to now because I don't like them. smartphones, social media and streaming are top common things I have little to nothing to do with.