True leftism is "when America bad" and the more "America bad" you spout, the more to the left you are. Having nuanced and principled opinions is inferior to campism, gotcha.
21 0 ReplyThe US has 800+ external military bases. All other countries combined have < 20.
16 0 ReplyThis doesn't refute my argument
10 0 Reply
You can call it "nuance" all you want, it doesn't change that such a critical stance is always rooted in state department propaganda.
Western "leftists" trust imperialists more than foreign PoC, which surprises nobody.
10 0 ReplySo instead, we should trust... The other ogliarchic and blatantly fascist empires?
Call me crazy, but I don't think unapologetic fascism is "leftist."
16 0 Reply
stay mad dronie
9 0 Reply
Nationalism is the stupidest thing humans have created regardless of who their propaganda affects and how.
19 0 Replylol, every .world user.
19 0 ReplyThere's a difference in hating/disliking people because of unchangeable circumstances and hating regimes.
18 0 Reply21 0 ReplyI'm also a fan of "junta"
6 0 Reply
16 0 ReplyWell what do they say about china?
3 0 Reply
There are 2 rightwing parties in the US. If you are a leftwing voter and live in the empire or any of its vassal states, you're wasting your time.
16 0 ReplyGet ready to be asked for the time in Moscow/Shanghai by the nuanced McCarthyists
14 0 Replyleftists when they claim to be anti imperialist but just support the other empire, your view of those things align with what the russian state wants you to think
11 0 Reply> imperialism is when invading other countries
> russia invades ukraine
> russia isn't imperialist
8 0 Reply
captain false equivalence has logged on
7 0 Replywhat a counter argument
5 0 Reply
Is it really so hard for yall to believe that Everybody Sucks Here?
9 0 ReplyA better question is why it's so easy for you to believe such nonsense.
9 0 ReplyThe enlightened position of hating your fellow worker whether at home or abroad (but mostly the ones abroad).
Wow, wonder who gave you such a revolutionary, ironclad idea and why.
8 0 Replyah the good ol' "i can't make a choice so Everybody Sucks™ i am very smart and superior" intellectual suicide
7 0 ReplyI've said this many times, but equal condemnation for unequal sin exaggerates the lesser and minimizes the greater. This scales dramatically, the greater the difference.
4 0 Reply