I went in with a similar thought, but the video explained it better
I was expecting them to compete against a rapper or something, but what they meant was being faster than conversational speeds
Someone who is mute explained to them about not being able to communicate at the same rate as other people during conversation, despite being able to think and absorb info at the same speed.
So they put some time into recommendations of a text-to-voice setup, demo-ed it in the video, and put the source CAD files / app open for people to use + offered to help anyone else for whom the tech might change their lives
I'm not sure if the keyboard will catch on, but I thought that attempt was cool
It's very impressive when you don't actually have to type the words, now get rapper to say raxocolocofalipatorius. Then suddenly the characorder needs to stop and update their dictionary via the app first
Human speech has a fairly consistent information density. It's right about what the human brain can comfortably process.
Languages that sound fast and rapid fire have more sounds per information on average. So it's less that some cultures speak quickly and more that the speed of that language for normal human information exchange.