Hats-off to The Independent. Their no-nonsense reporting has brought the Brexit crisis facing the UK into stark focus.
The top-line costs alone expose the raw deal we’ve ended up with. The so-called divorce settlement from the Union tops £30 billion, and the loss in goods exports stands at £27 billion. UK food exports are estimated to have decreased by £2.8 billionannually.
Businesses have also been hit terribly. Up to 56% of dairy producers are struggling to find workers (as per an Arla survey). According to the Marine Management Organisation, seafood exports have dropped by 118,000 tonnes in the UK since 2019.
Over 16,000 companies with European customers have simply stopped exporting to the bloc. There’s also been a dramatic spike in immigration, and although 1.2 million EU nationals have left the UK in the wake of Brexit, net migration has soared by 2.3 million.
In fact, Brexit’s biggest promise was to control immigration – but we’ve ended up here. In total, 3.6 million immigrants have entered Britain since the freedom of movement laws were curtailed. Meanwhile, EU students at UK universities have fallen by a third.
You can thank the British people for that vote. No scapegoating. No playing the victim. Only the British people brought that into reality (helped some by their politicians, and foreign adversaries who have completely open and anonymous access to the social discourse)
But it was the British who did it in the end, and fed directly into the enemy's ideal of a less cohesive western world.
From my (admittedly limited) understanding, some British politicians oversold Brexit, with a few politicians and business leaders knowingly telling outright lies. They certainly deserve a large portion of blame.
I see your point, but I don’t think it’s fair to put all of the blame on British voters when they were deliberately misled by the people who were supposed to be knowledgeable, reliable experts.
Figures like that make me wonder if Musk can just sweep in and buy the country somehow. If the cost of brexit was less than what he paid for Twitter...perhaps it's the next toy he's gonna finance with his endless dollars
Democracy has incredible legitimacy. Anything else we have come up with so far was usually legitimized using religion or simply by violence. Both kinda meh.
I think it's going to be hard to beat democracy in that respect.
It's just that with Brexit there is nothing to blame, no first past the post, no electoral college, no two party system, nothing, it was a pure vote of direct democracy and people still chose against their interests. What hope is there for everything else.
I wonder if the immigration thing is a mistake of Brexit or if it's what the Powers That Be wanted all along. Dumping that many EU nationals yet having a net increase of 2.3 million seems like it could only mean the kind of cheap and manipulable labor that the moneyed interests want.
Brexit is a great example of democracy in Britain. You vote for something and it doesn’t happen and everyone promises it will definitely happen in the following election and it never does. If there’s one thing I’m certain of is that reform will not end immigration to this country either.
Brexit is a great example of democracy in Britain. You vote for something and it doesn’t happen and everyone promises it will definitely happen in the following election and it never does. If there’s one thing I’m certain of is that reform will not end immigration to this country either.
They voted for Brexit, Brexit happened, and everything unfolded as expected. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
The end results were obvious going in, we all knew this would happen, and that it would continue to do ongoing damage to the country and it's people over the next century.
I'm not really sure what else the Leave voters expected, unless they were believing the nonsense propaganda being fed to them by the daily rags and Facebook 🤷♀️
How a person goes so far down the rabbit hole away from reality to believe what's essentially poorly thought out fascist propaganda, I'll never know, but it happened to a lot of people.
The vast majority of those people, being adults, are beyond our means of educating and helping - most simply plug their ears and don't want to listen. There's nothing we can do for them, sadly.
The best thing we can do now is educate our children in critical thought and with the same wide understanding of the workings of the world culturally, economically, historically, and with a dash of reality thrown in, that we ourselves were taught, and hope that one day after we're all dead perhaps a new generation will reverse the damage that some of our generation has wrought.
We got Brexit and immigration skyrocketed. The government plays dumbs and says “hey people like immigration” and Brexit proves nothing.
Now there’s talking about the UK joining a new EU market called the PEM. The government wants to join so it changes its interpretation of Brexit and says “hey our red lines are immigration but people totally want a trade deal with Europe”
Maybe ask yourself if you are partly at fault yourself if you continue believing in the lies that are being fed to you.
Firstly, while immigration is currently a problem in the UK, the much bigger issue is that political parties like Reform use that as a scapegoat to divert your attention from other very real issues. Secondly, Nigel Farage was one of the most vocal proponents of Brexit. He (and other Brexit proponents) should be held accountable for their lies. Instead, he is allowed continue as if nothing has happened, because people are dumb and gullible.