One of my friends had a cat named Little Shit. Named that way because one day we came back from the bar at 3am and found he had let himself in and taken a little shit on the couch.
I've heard somewhere you can fry a natural sponge in oil, and it'll shrink down. You might then try to feed one to any cats. Cat swallows sponge, sponge expands and cannot be passed, cat dies a slow death of starvation.
Story always seemed like bullshit to me. But i can't help but be curious, you know?
shitty cat owners downvoting you. most place around me won't even let you adopt a cat if you don't say you'll keep it inside. its bad for your local ecosystem and its bad for the cat. I've seen way too many cats die because they were kept outside.
yeah, feeding the wrong food wil give them liver disease in the long run, and they cant handle suddenly switching food sources. They'll also get way to fat which gives them depression and also kills them. being 'nice' to a cat that has an owner by feeding it shortens their life by ~3 years.
Don’t let your cats roam, it’s a dick move in so so many ways. Be responsible and keep and eye on your pet on your property, if you don’t think cats are indoor animals, don’t get one
I’m always amazed cat owners let them roam. You’re putting a LOT of trust in both the animal as well as your greater environment. Just the other week I read a message from our local animal shelter. They had found a cat which had gotten poisoned. Either intentionally or unintentionally, that couldn’t be determined.
They had to put it down before the owner was found, it was that sick. I’d feel pretty guilty if that was my cat.
Cats can get run over, abducted, get hurt, etc. Even ignoring the fact that it’s a living creature, it’s also an expensive piece of property and vet bills aren’t cheap either.
Instead of a catio I installed fences around my property so my cats could enjoy the outside without roaming outside. It wouldn't work for everyone because my property is half walled to (not the regular american layout) but it works like a charm.
I’ve had 3 cats(all rescued), one that refused to stay inside and would run out the door before I knew. I live in a house now with him and he goes out with the dog. He’s outlived his siblings and keeps the mouse population from the field behind my house from getting inside. I also keep a loud bell collar on him to assist those wild critters.
The smart reply isn’t to keep(force) your pets inside, it’s to get them spayed or neutered and stop having so many fucking cats.
I've had closer to 9 cats (all either strays or fostered/adopted), and the two that stayed inside their entire life managed to outlive the others by like 6 years and counting. The smart reply is absolutely to keep your pets inside.
Y'all really can't wait to see your own cats flattened on the road, huh? "But my cat is smart enough to avoid cars!" No, your cat is lucky enough to have avoided cars so far.
If you care about your pet or neighbours keep it inside. Don’t make your pet other peoples pests. Can you imagine if dog owners just opened their doors at night to let them roam? Why do cast people think they’re special?
P.s. i found a cat leg in my yard the other day, since we have coyotes and birds of prey in my area. So there’s some consequences for you
There are cats that definitely come with pre-conditions. For example our last cat was abandoned and he chose us next. But first he spent about 4 months learning to like being outside. So until we moved* he wouldn't let us keep him inside. He'd literally climb out the window, up the wood framing, to the roof, get into the pine trees and work his way down from there. Eventually we'd just get a meow at the front door when we thought he was still chilling in the living room.
If you're adopting a shelter cat or bringing up a kitten you should absolutely keep them inside. But some cats will let you know they have terms and conditions to your relationship.
Note - Once we moved he no longer wanted to roam so much and was content with being a balcony cat. Which strongly suggests it was tied to some idea of territory or familiarity with that area.
I found a cat leg the other day, victim to a coyote. But I guess the owners can be comforted that their kitty got fresh air.
But as a neighbour who deals with this issue and property damage from neighbours cats , if your pet becomes my pest i will deal with it as such, and you’ll never know about it
you lock your cat up inside all the time? fuck you
oh they're a threat to local wildlife? our cat is too lazy to get off his ass and hunt anything, it will be fine. also there are many roaming cats in the neighborhood so it won't be a difference
Can you imagine if dog people let their dogs fuck off at night? They’d rightly be charged and have their pets taken away, what makes you special.
If your pet becomes my pest, I will deal with it as such. Not to mention all the dangers you’re risking your cat die to.
Really it’s a big case of entitlement, you think you’re entitled to use everyone’s property to entertain your cat, cause you’re too irresponsible of an owner to entertain and enrich your cat’s life at home