Agree it needs to die, but vigilante moves like this aren't going to end it. You're just shorting workers that are completely reliant on tipping. If you want to make a difference support businesses that don't use tipping and more importantly support legislation to restrict tipping and enforce fare pay base wages.
haven't been to a 'table service' restaurant in years, and even longer since i've done a delivery order. when i do get food from those places (which is far less frequent these days), i go get it.
Can't read the article -- and just like how I'm not tipping, I'm also not giving Bezos any money to read this.
I think the first paragraph has my thoughts on this though:
People are tipping less at restaurants than they have in at least six years, driven by fatigue over rising prices and growing prompts for tips at places where gratuities haven’t historically been expected.
The tip stuff came up during COVID and we felt compelled to help. Now COVID is gonna be with us and prices. That's because prices are sticky-down.
Yeah, the suggested tip function on a lot of check out apps for businesses that should be paying their staff a full wage is unbelievably offensive. Looking at you Starbucks and Dominos.
A tip is supposed to be to spare the change, maybe leave a small bill or two to thanks for extra good service. Nowadays tips are going over $10, sometimes even $20 apiece.
Like others said people tipped to keep businesses and their workers afloat when we weren't eating out. That trend can't just keep continuing ad infinitum.
No, tipping in America actually did start as a way to pay wait staff...during prohibition and the great depression. The fact that here today, 100 years after that time, we have not phased out such an idiotic system is beyond ridiculous.
Good, tipping is bullshit. And I don't want to hear any of your bullshit about how the staff need it to augment their salaries. Add tips to the original cost, problem solved. People will continue to vote with their wallet.