Uhm, ackshually, it's the other way round. It seems the egg chooses which sperm fertilizes it.
So no, you weren't necessarily the fastest and strongest swimmer. Even better, you were chosen from among millions.
(Yes, that means we're all Chosen Ones and any of us can bring balance to the force.)Reading the article it seems less like the egg is making a choice, and more like the egg is more attractive to some sperm than others and that causes them to swim faster and in a straighter line to it.
Some boys just like to shoot straight alright
It’s less like choosing who to swipe on tinder and more like your “type” it seems. The egg is selecting but it’s doing it ahead of time.
no, the strongest and fastest weakened the egg for you, then you just strolled right in and took all the glory.
And you didn't even thank them
You're neither the sperm nor the egg. You're the combination of both the sperm and the egg. 50/50 of what you are came from your mother and your father.