Note: When reading news coverage from any corporate-owned source — a newspaper, TV station or network, etc — the facts are generally factual, but the slant favors the rich and powerful.
If each US city had an occupying paramilitary junta that worked hand in glove with moneyed interests and bullied local elected leaders, what would change?
I work for a company that produces elearning, and we used to have a contract with the insurance trust that insures police forces and municipalities in Minnesota. The training we provided covered subjects that were designed to limit the number of lawsuits that these agencies were dealing with constantly. The year before George Floyd happened, Minneapolis's police department decided they didn't need to subject their officers to having to sit through this training each month, so they dropped their departments enrollment in this program. Guess which agency came crawling back the following year... Also, guess who our customer service dept had to deal with the most with calls from users trying to bullshit their way through said training when their deadlines for taking it would hit? Yep, you guessed it. Those officers would lie their asses off about taking the training, when all their activity in the courseware was meticulously logged by our Learning Management System. We could also tell from these logs that a lot of these officers would just click "Next" through the course as fast as they could and then keep retaking the end test until they'd finally pass it. Too many of them weren't learning a damn thing. Our system has all kinds of things in place to keep students from doing that kind of stuff, but we had to disable all those checks and safeguards so those crybabies could get away with that shit...